Metropolitan King County
Council News
Council adopts rules for public testimony at meetings
Setting guidance for speaking, defining what constitutes prohibited, disruptive behavior
County Council calls for action on improving wage equity and promoting family friendly workplace policies
Motion calls for Executive review of recommendations from Women’s Advisory Board
Councilmember von Reichbauer hosts King County Assessor Lloyd Hara at monthly breakfast meeting
Discussing property values and the launch of Assessor’s new website for property owners to access property tax information quickly
Dunn introduces legislation to reduce impact fees on properties that support agriculture
New classification for program
Council adopts updated noise guidelines for Unincorporated King County
Simplifying and clarifying
Finding solutions to curb increase in youth domestic violence cases
Prosecutor briefs Council committee on program to curb violence against families
Staying prepared for disaster response: Council approves update to hazard mitigation plan
Regional collaboration key to preparations
Reviewing goals, costs, and effectiveness: Council approves legislation updating Mental Illness and Drug Dependency Plans
Setting requirements for a comprehensive review and potential modification of the MIDD strategies
Phillips, McDermott and Hague to lead County Council in 2015
Council completes 2015 reorganization with appointment of Council Chair, Vice Chairs and creation of two new committees
Council wants to see where county could use savings from lower fuel costs
Motion calls for report on how much was saved, which programs could benefit from additional revenues
Councilmember Pete von Reichbauer to Receive Municipal League Public Official of the Year Award
Recognition for contributions to the region
Council sends measure to fund replacement of regional emergency radio system to the ballot
Proposed levy measure to be on April ballot
Council adopts updated goals, guidelines for County’s Strategic Plan
Showing what King County is doing to achieve its goals and how the county is directing the effort
Council confirms appointment of Lorinda Youngcourt as Director of the Department of Public Defense
Becomes first Public Defender since position was created by voters
Contact the Council |
Main phone: 206-477-1000 |
TTY/TDD: Relay: 711 |
Find my Councilmember Click Here |