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King County TV

KCTV is your link to regional government. Participate in meetings of the King County Council, learn about relevant local issues, and watch programming that celebrates our diverse communities.

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King County budget pie chart

Recent Public Meetings

Council Meeting coming up

Small Towns of King County

Wide shot of King County with Mt. Rainier in the background. Text says "Small Towns of King County".

Connecting You to Your Government

KCTV is an award-winning government access channel based in Seattle. Our programming reflects a wide range of regional and local issues, community events, and county services and departments.  Learn more about everything from transportation and public health to criminal justice and environmental protection.

Federal franchise agreements grant the channel to the county. It's also an agency operating within the legislative branch of county government. The County Council oversees KCTV. The Citizens Advisory Committee and the King County TV Working Group also provide input.

Programming decisions are based on the content's relevance to the county's work. Station Manager Kimberly Hill makes all final decisions.

KCTV Staff

Kimberly Hill
Station Manager


Eric Keto
Multimedia Reporter/Producer


Brian Starr
A/V Technology Manager


Alan Coleman
Senior Video Specialist


Dan Loya
Senior Video Specialist

