Discounted fares
Whether you're a student, senior citizen, low-income individual or someone looking for a more affordable way to travel, we've put together a list of lower fare options that you may be eligible for. See if you qualify and apply today.
The ORCA LIFT program provides income-qualified individuals with discounted fares for transit in the Puget Sound.
Regional Reduced Fare Permit
The Regional Reduced Fare Permit (RRFP) allows eligible senior riders, riders with disabilities and Medicare card holders to receive discounted fares on public transit in the Puget Sound region.
Subsidized annual pass
This pass allows eligible riders to travel on certain transit in our region at no cost.
Taxi Scrip Program
The Taxi Scrip Program serves low-income King County residents age 18 to 64 who have a disability or age 65 and over.
Reduced fare portal
Check eligibility and apply for reduced fares for seniors, individuals with disabilities and low-income individuals.