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Notice of Proposed Administrative Rule and Opportunity to Comment

Comments on Minimum Standards due by November 22, 2024

The director of King County's Department of Executive Services (DES), acting under the authority of King County Code sections 2.98 and 15.12.010, proposes adopting a rule concerning the establishment of Minimum Standards providing minimum qualifications and standards for the issuance of licenses and leasehold interests for commercial aeronautical activities at King County International Airport-Boeing Field (KCIA).

In accordance with the Airport and Airway Improvement Act of 1982, 49 United States Code (U.S.C.) § 47101, et seq., and the Airport Improvement Program Sponsor Assurances, the owner or operator of any airport that has been developed or improved with federal grant assistance or conveyances of federal property assistance is required to operate the airport for the use and benefit of the public and to make it available for all types, kinds, and classes of aeronautical activity. The Surplus Property Act of 1944 (as amended by 49 U.S.C., §§ 47151-47153) contains a parallel obligation under its terms for the conveyance of federal property for airport purposes (collectively, the "Federal Obligations").

The Federal Obligations require the owner or operator of an airport to make its facilities available for public use for aeronautical activities. The business terms imposed on those who use KCIA and its services must be reasonable and applied without unjust discrimination to any licensee or lessee who has been granted a right by the airport owner or operator to offer services normally offered to aeronautical users of the airport. Key updates to meet current Federal Obligations include changes to:

  • Policy statement and exclusive rights
  • Agreements and amendments
  • Commercial Operator Permit requirements
  • Leased premises and security
  • Personnel and hours of operation
  • Licenses and certifications
  • Independent operators

Draft Minimum Standards Availability

The Draft Minimum Standards will be available for public review and comment beginning on Wednesday, October 9, 2024. An electronic copy of the Draft Minimum Standards is available on the project website at PublicInput. A physical copy of Draft Minimum Standards is available at the KCIA Main Terminal, Administration Desk, located at 7277 Perimeter Rd. S., Suite 200, Seattle, WA 98108.

Public Meetings

A public meeting will be held in person and online to provide an opportunity for airport tenants and community members of the public to receive information on key revisions made in the Draft Minimum Standards and provide public comments. The in-person public meeting will be held on Wednesday, October 30, 2024 from 1 p.m. to 2 p.m. Pacific Daylight Time at the KCIA Flight Service Station, 6526 Ellis Ave. S., Seattle, WA 98108.

The online public meeting will be held on Wednesday, October 30, 2024 from 5 p.m. to 6 p.m. Pacific Daylight Time via Zoom Webinar. Register for the online event on Zoom. No decisions on the Draft Minimum Standards will be made at the public meetings. Official comments on the Draft Minimum Standards must be submitted in writing as described under "Comments" below.


Comments on the Draft Minimum Standards will help King County in making an informed decision about the proposed project. Written comments can be submitted by U.S. Mail to Matt Sykora, Airport Business Manager, King County International Airport-Boeing Field, 7277 Perimeter Rd. S., Seattle, WA 98108. Written comments may also be submitted through the project website or via email to Handwritten and emailed comments, as well as comments through the project website, must be received by 5 p.m. Pacific Standard Time on Friday, November 22, 2024 to be considered.
