Flood management capital projects and studies
King County River and Floodplain Management Section capital projects are large investments in our local flood protection infrastructure. Capital projects are funded by the King County Flood Control District (District).
The District’s work plan is guided by the King County Flood Hazard Management Plan which serves as the comprehensive map of development for flood control and floodplain management. This plan identifies up to $335 million in critical flood protection repairs to aging infrastructure throughout King County.
Capital projects and SEPA public input opportunities
Currently, there are no opportunities for public input. We will list opportunities for public input on King County Flood Services Capital Projects and SEPA here when they are available.
Capital projects by watershed
Learn more about flood risk reduction capital projects and studies taking place in each watershed.
Snoqualmie—Skykomish watershed projects
The Snoqualmie-Skykomish watershed is in northeast King County. The Snoqualmie and Skykomish Rivers flow into the Snohomish River and out into Puget Sound. The watershed includes the Tolt River, Raging River and other tributaries.
Circle River Ranch Flood Risk Reduction Project
Project will identify and evaluate ways to reduce flood and channel migration risks to the neighborhood.
Dutchman Road Revetment Repair Project
Repair a damaged revetment on the Snoqualmie River near Dutchman Road.
Lower Frew Levee Setback Project
This project will reduce flood risks and improve habitat in and along the lower Tolt River.
Mason Thorson Ells Levee Rehabilitation Project
King County is partnering with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to repair a damaged levee on the Middle Fork Snoqualmie River near the City of North Bend.
North Fork Snoqualmie River Confluence Revetment Removal Project
This project will remove an old revetment on the Snoqualmie River in Three Forks Park.
Tolt River Road Northeast Elevation at San Souci
Explore options to manage flooding at one location on Tolt River Road Northeast.
Pump Station Revetment Improvements
Improve a revetment on the Snoqualmie River to help prevent potential erosion damage to sanitary sewer infrastructure and the historic Meadowbrook Bridge.
Sammamish watershed flood risk reduction projects
The Sammamish watershed in east King County includes land that drains rainwater and snowmelt to Lake Sammamish, Bear Creek, Issaquah Creek, the Sammamish River and out into Lake Washington.
Sammamish River Capital Investment Strategy
Development of a capital investment strategy that will guide future projects to reduce flood risks, support the needs of area residents, and protect fish and wildlife.
Issaquah Creek Capital Investment Strategy
The Issaquah Creek Capital Investment Strategy (CIS) is a plan for investments in projects and programs that reduce flood risk in the Issaquah Creek Basin while providing multiple social and environmental benefits for communities.
Momb Revetment Repair Project
Repair a damaged revetment on Issaquah Creek near Cedar Grove Road Southeast.
Willowmoor Floodplain Restoration Project
Alter the transition zone between the Sammamish River and Lake Sammamish in King County's Marymoor Park to improve habitat while addressing maintenance costs and sustainable flood control.
Levee Breach Mapping and Risk Assessment
This assessment is being conducted in five locations across the Snoqualmie—Skykomish and Cedar River watersheds.
Learn more about the Levee Breach Mapping and Risk Assessment
Cedar River watershed flood risk reduction projects
The Cedar River watershed is within the Lake Washington watershed. Madsen, Taylor, and Rock creeks flow into the Cedar River, which connects to Lake Washington.
Herzman to Camp Freeman
Reduce flood and erosion risks along a stretch of the Cedar River about four miles east of Renton.
Jan Road Levee Setback Project
Reduce flood and erosion risks for residents, their property, and critical public infrastructure along a portion of the Cedar River approximately two miles north of Maple Valley.
Maplewood Landslide Flood Risk Study
Analyze flood and landslide hazards and their potential interaction in the Maplewood neighborhood of Renton.
Tabor-Crowall and Brodell Revetment Repair Project
Repair two revetments on the Cedar River to reduce flood risks to the Maple Valley Highway (State Route 169), Cedar River Trail, local utilities, and private property.
Green—Duwamish watershed flood risk reduction projects
The Green-Duwamish watershed is in southwest King County. The Green River begins in the Cascades and flows to its outlet in Elliott Bay via the Duwamish River.
Black River Pump Station Improvements Project
Maintain and improve the pump station that serves 24.8 square miles of the lower Green River basin.
Fort Dent Levee Repair Project
Repair and stabilize the Fort Dent Levee on the Green River to provide flood risk reduction.
Gunter Levee Project
Assess condition of a levee on the Green River and how to meet flood hazard management objectives and multi-benefit opportunities such as habitat and passive recreational enhancements.
Kent Airport Levee Repair Project
Repair and maintenance of levee to reduce flood risks to local utilities and nearby businesses.
Lower Russell Levee Setback Project
Replaced an old levee and revetment to reduce flood risks to residential and commercial development on the Green River.
White River watershed flood risk reduction projects
The White River watershed is in south King County. About two-thirds of the watershed extends into Pierce County.
Countyline Levee Setback Project
Provide flood risk reduction benefits for more than 200 residences near the White River, and restore floodplain habitat for fish and wildlife.
Pacific Right Bank Flood Protection Project
Investigate ways to substantially reduce the potential of White River flooding in the City of Pacific.