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Challenging a voter registration

Find out about how to report a voter registration that may be ineligible.

A voter registration challenge is a way to contest the qualifications of a voter. Any registered voter or the prosecuting attorney's office can turn in a challenge.

There are five different items that you can challenge. The voter:

  • Is not a U.S. citizen
  • Will not be at least 18 years old by the next election
  • Was convicted of a felony and has not yet had his or her rights restored
  • Has been judicially declared ineligible to vote due to mental incompetency
  • Does not reside at the address listed on his or her voter registration

How to challenge a voter registration

What happens after I submit a challenge?

The challenge is reviewed by the prosecuting attorney’s office to make sure it is complete. You will be notified if it is not.

If the challenge is complete:

  • All information is posted to our website
  • We will notify the challenged voter and others that a challenge has been turned in
  • We will set a time and date for the challenge hearing

What is a challenge hearing?

A challenge hearing is a meeting to hear the facts about the voter registration challenge and to make a decision on the registration. The challenge hearing is an administrative hearing that is open to the public. It is not a court hearing.

Current voter registration challenges

Nancy Gleason Download Challenge packet | Download Challenge order | Download Cancelation letter

Celina Macella Colon Download Challenge packet | Download Cancelation letter

Dores Ventura Download Challenge packet | Download Cancelation letter

Lindsay Summer Knight Download Challenge packet | Download Cancelation letter

Paul Waylan Moseley Download Challenge packet | Download Cancelation letter

Michael Donald Hipol Download Challenge packet | Download Cancelation letter

Ugbad Dahir Hassan Download Challenge packet | Download Cancelation letter

Carrie Anne Siahpush Download Challenge packet | Download Cancelation letter

Zacharee Keith Siahpush Download Challenge packet | Download Cancelation letter

Haron Robs Adem Download Challenge packet | Download Cancelation letter

Abdullahi Ismail Mohamed Download Challenge packet | Download Cancelation letter

Xirsi Ahmed Geedi Download Challenge packet | Download Cancelation letter

Ethan Bradly Siahpush Download Challenge packet | Download Cancelation letter

Jung Hyon Park Download Challenge packet | Download Cancelation letter

Phillip R Rudd Download Challenge packet | Download Cancelation letter

Abdullahi Mohamed Download Challenge packet | Download Cancelation letter

Gabriela Jane Kashtelian Download Challenge packet | Download Cancelation letter

Abdikani S Hassan Download Challenge packet | Download Cancelation letter

Derek D Hall Download Challenge packet | Download Cancelation letter

Bealemlay Getachew Arega Download Challenge packet | Download Cancelation letter

Raleigh Moseley Download Challenge packet | Download Cancelation letter


Past challenges

Voter(s) Voter registration challenge forms
  • Annette Fifield
View the challenge form
View the challenge order