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Black Providers Network

During the pandemic, the Black Community Equity Team listened to community members about what is needed to support the Black community. The community wanted to see themselves represented in spaces where they access services and resources. In Public Health, the Access & Outreach team works to ensure our staff reflect the diversity of the communities we serve.

The community also wanted more access to Black health care providers. As a first step to understand this more, the Equity Team is inviting all types of providers to help develop a Black Providers Network. The term “provider” is being used broadly, and the Network itself can define the term further.

The conversation begins with a convening in March, 2023. Initially, the Network will be modeled on the success of the First Friday Forum (FFF), hosted by Access & Outreach. FFF members meet monthly to discuss health insurance and health care services in King County. FFF has continued to grow in membership and impact over more than two decades. We hope this effort has a similar result, focusing specifically on serving the Black community.

The King County Black Providers Network is a convening of Black professionals working to support Black community health.

If you’re interested in joining the Network or learning more about it, please contact Devon Love.

King County Black Providers Network Directory

The King County Black Providers Network Directory has been created through a collaboration between the Black Community Equity Team (BCET) and Deconstructing the Mental Health System (DMHS), Inc. While the DMHS website was created with a focus on mental health, our collaboration provides an opportunity to expand the website to additional providers of care and support for the Black community. It also allows the BCET continued connection to the theme of mental health as highlighted by the community.

DMHS is an organization that is inventing creative solutions to bring mental health options into Communities of Color. DMHS is lowering costs for mental health and wellness practitioners of Color by providing: free directory listing for BIPoC Providers on their website; free supervision for new mental health practitioners; and, free continuing education & training opportunities shared to help practitioners fulfill Continuing Education Unit (CEU) requirements.

DMHS also provides 12 free sessions to BIPoC Clients experiencing insurance & financial barriers to accessing therapy & wellness services!

Check out the website at DMHS: Deconstructing The Mental Health System - The Anti-Racist & Equity-Minded Nonprofit to learn more about the work of DMHS. You can also connect to the directory.

May 2024 meeting materials

The King County Black Providers Network Directory meets quarterly. The following are materials from the May 2024 meeting:
