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Waste reduction benchmark

Learn effective strategies for reducing school waste.

Paper, single-use items, and excessive packaging are major sources of waste in schools. Contaminated recycling and food waste containers further contribute to wasted resources. This benchmark outlines the many ways schools can reduce their waste. By minimizing waste, schools can not only conserve resources but also save on costs. With less garbage, you can reduce collection frequency and the size of outdoor garbage containers.

Criteria for recognition


  • Conduct a baseline Waste Walk Through (WWT) at least every 2 years. Use the findings to set waste reduction goals.
  • Promote your school and/or district waste reduction goals. Examples could include assemblies, newsletters, announcements, or social media posts.
  • Maintain low waste generation OR reduce solid waste volume from the initial WWT and maintain that reduction for at least 3 consecutive months. Share your average monthly volume of waste.
    • Use the garbage volume worksheet to gather monthly data. Share your findings with the principal, custodian, and peers.
    • A low waste generation is less than or equal to 2 gallons of waste/student/week.
  • Share at least 3 waste reduction practices with your program representative. Examples include using lunchroom durables, GOOS paper, double printing, upcycling, etc.
  • Share at least 1 way you are educating all students and staff about waste reduction efforts with your program representative.  
  • Share at least 1 waste reduction success with your program representative.
  • Optional: Share your other waste reduction actions.


Recognition form


Fill out the School Waste Reduction recognition form. Schools may fill out the form to receive the benchmark badge at any time of year.

You can complete the recognition form over multiple sessions using the "Save" button. You will be emailed a link that allows you to continue filling out the form. Once the form is complete, select the "Submit" button.


Fill out the District Waste Reduction recognition form. Districts may fill out the form to receive the benchmark badge in the spring of each school year.

Waste reduction resources and activities

Interested in learning more? Check out our resource list for more detailed information on this benchmark topic.

Success Stories

Reducing waste was a primary goal at Shadow Lake Elementary School in the Tahoma School District. Students made announcements about ways to limit waste. During Earth Week, they organized a Tuesday Upcycled-Craft-Day and a Wednesday Waste-Free-Lunch Day. They promoted these events through school announcements and posters.

Parkside Elementary School in Highline School District made major changes to reduce paper usage. They transitioned all parent notifications to electronic formats. They also decided to buy only recycled paper for their copiers and encouraged staff to use double-sided printing.
