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Science services

King County scientists gather and study data and information to inform how best to take care of our environment and to protect and restore clean water and healthy habitat. Find our work here.

Benthic macroinvertebrate (stream bug) monitoring

Learn why aquatic insect counts provide insight about the health of streams, and look up measures for many streams in King County, Washington.

Water quality monitoring data

Map of water quality sampling sites across King County to look up recorded data.

Environmental Lab

Learn about King County's lab which performs sampling analysis and projects that study the environment and inform policy decisions.

Groundwater management and data

Find how King County manages aquifers for drinking water and look up water quality sample data and well levels using a map.

Hydrologic Information Center

Look up records for over 500 sites for stream gages on rivers and streams, rain gages, gages in wetlands, lakes and detention facilities, groundwater wells, and water quality samples.

Puget Sound marine monitoring

Get water quality, plankton, fish and crab tissue, and sediment data sampled from the marine waters in Puget Sound.

Science document search

Find local scientific documents going back decades on topics such as natural features, water quality, wastewater, ecology and biodiversity, modeling and analysis.

Stream and river water quality monitoring data

Look up water quality data and graphs for streams and rivers including temperature, dissolved oxygen, pH, turbidity, conductivity, total suspended solids, phosphorus, nitrogen, bacteria, metals, precipitation, overall water quality index, and toxicity and pesticide studies

Technical Document and Research Center

King County's science library curating local scientific publications going back to the 1800's.

Projects - environment, ecology and conservation

Environmental projects that restore fish and wildlife habitat, improve water quality, reduce flood risk and manage stormwater.
