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School Environmental Health and Safety

Learn about our services and resources to promote healthy, safe, and climate resilient learning environments.

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About School Environmental Health and Safety

We envision a King County where K-12 schools, preschools, and childcares are built, maintained, and operated to be healthy, safe, and climate resilient for all students – regardless of race, place, or income.

On average, children and youth spend 90% of their time indoors, most of which is in school. Unsafe and unhealthy learning environments can affect children’s health, attendance, concentration, and performance.

In partnership with school staff, teachers, parent groups, students, policymakers, and other agencies, we can promote a culture of safety and foster climate resiliency in our schools and early learning environments.

School Plan Review

K-12 schools (public and private) must go through our plan review before constructing a new school facility or making any addition to or major alteration of an existing facility or any of the utilities connected with the facility (including portables and playgrounds).

Private school certification inspections

Private K-12 schools can request a health and safety inspection of the school buildings, as part of Washington Board of Education’s approval process for private schools. This is different from the other required food safety inspections for school kitchens, fire inspections, and licensed child care inspections.
