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Elliott West Wet Weather Treatment Station upgrade

King County is planning to upgrade the Elliott West Wet Weather Treatment Station (EWWTS). The upgrade will ensure compliance with stricter environmental regulations, meet the demands of a growing population, and handle a changing climate.

Project description

An aerial view of the Elliott West Wet Weather Treatment Facility.

The Elliott West Wet Weather Treatment Station (EWWTS) is a combined sewer overflow (CSO) facility that was first completed in 2005. Since then, it has stored and treated sewage and stormwater during periods of heavy rain. EWWTS now needs to be upgraded to meet stricter environmental standards and to adapt to changing climate.

This project will ensure that the upgraded facility meets its permit requirements. This is a major investment to ensure King County continues to protect public health and the environment for years to come.

More information about the upgrade plans will be available this summer and fall. To stay updated, subscribe to our email list.

Project update

August 2024

Our online open house is live!

This platform has opportunities to learn more about the project, ask questions, and tell us what’s important to you. The information you provide will help us deliver a more successful project that meets community needs while reducing construction impacts.

As we continue project design activities, we will provide additional opportunities for you to share your thoughts. For project updates, join our email list.

Project schedule

The project schedule spans from 2023 to 2032. Design 2023-2027, and Construction 2027-2032. Community Outreach occurs the entire duration.

Our team is in the early stages of designing the needed upgrades to EWWTS. Project timelines may change due to a number of factors. We will provide updates as our work progresses and any schedule changes are needed.

Project location
