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RapidRide K Line

Coming to Kirkland and Bellevue

Metro is working to bring new RapidRide service to the Eastside, to provide better, more reliable bus service to communities in Kirkland and Bellevue. By 2030, Metro plans to bring RapidRide K Line to the fast-growing communities between Totem Lake Transit Center, downtown Kirkland, downtown Bellevue and the Eastgate Park-and-Ride.

Thank you for sharing your input!

The survey for Phase 3 has now closed. We appreciate your valuable feedback and participation in shaping this project.

Project overview

Metro plans to bring RapidRide to more Eastside communities by 2030. The RapidRide K Line will serve a 16-mile north-south corridor between Kirkland and Bellevue as part of Metro Connects, Metro’s long-range vision approved by the King County Council in 2017.

Metro ridership continues to increase since the impact of COVID-19. In October 2024, RapidRide routes were reporting an increase of over 4,600 average weekday boardings compared to October 2023, including an increase of 7.6% for the RapidRide B Line serving Bellevue and Redmond. The RapidRide G Line replaced former Metro Route 11. Prior to RapidRide G Line construction, Route 11 carried an average of 1,800 people (weekday for September 2023), Now in service, the G Line carries over 4,000 average weekday riders (data for November 2024).

Existing eastside service on routes 225, 239, 245, 250, 255 and 271 have also seen a yearly increase in average weekday ridership. Approximately 1,400 new trips were taken on average in October 2024, compared to October 2023.

The expansion of RapidRide will continue to bring riders high-quality, more frequent and reliable service with better connections to other buses and modes of transportation. Improving the Eastside transit network is necessary to serve the fast-growing communities of Kirkland and Bellevue. The RapidRide K Line will provide connections to major transit services in the area, including Sound Transit’s Link light rail 2 Line, existing RapidRide B Line and the I-405 Stride Bus Rapid Transit planned for service in 2030. The K Line will serve many major employers in the medical, technology and aerospace industries, as well as several universities and other popular destinations.

Originally planned to begin service in 2025, Metro paused work on the RapidRide K Line due to funding issues caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. Metro is committed to engaging key partners and eastside communities as project work starts up again with a planned launch of the service by 2030.

Community engagement

Metro is committed to conducting engagement throughout a project’s life cycle. Community input plays an important role in the evaluation and planning phase.


Metro has identified key community engagement goals for each project phase. See below for overall goals that have set the tone for this work, including what we have most commonly heard from the public.

  • Select route options that reflect the needs of the community.
  • Conduct and document an intentional, inclusive and equitable community engagement process.
  • Ensure community partners are aware of the RapidRide K Line and understand how RapidRide will impact and benefit their communities.
  • Establish and grow positive relationships between Metro and community organizations, businesses, cities and community members in Kirkland and Bellevue.
  • Community members want transit that will get them to important destinations within the community.
  • Speed of travel is important.
  • Community members want to be certain the bus will be there when they need it.
  • Many expressed concerns for planned changes to Route 255 and the resulting lack of direct connections to downtown Seattle.
  • Some noted a need for better service to people with mobility, vision, hearing or other disabilities.
  • Safety is important at stations, including lighting and crosswalks, as well as surrounding sidewalks.
  • Difficulty getting to and from the bus stop can make it hard for people to use transit.
  • Buses take much longer than other transportation methods, which creates barriers to getting places on time.

These community-identified priorities from Eastside residents are aligned with the East Link Connections priority mobility needs that were developed in 2021-2022, and reconfirmed in 2024.

In the summer of 2024, Metro gathered community input during the planning phase to help make key route decisions for the K Line. This feedback helped decide:

  • Routing choices in downtown Bellevue
  • Station locations in main areas
  • Areas of focus to improve path and walkways for transit, bike or pedestrians

Metro will use community input gathered to help develop the Locally Preferred Alternative (LPA), which will be presented in the Phase 3 community engagement set to take place in early 2025.

The LPA is the final step in the planning phase which summarizes the research and work completed in this stage. Key elements and projects are identified for further development in the following phase, otherwise known as the “design phase.” After community input is collected, the LPA will inform the King County Executive’s recommendation of a Locally Preferred Alternative for the King County Council to discuss and act upon in mid-2025. This milestone confirms the RapidRide K Line route and station (stop) locations. During the design phase Metro will continue evaluating projects to make the bus easier to access, faster and more reliable.

The adoption of the LPA also allows Metro to begin seeking federal funding for construction.

Next steps

During Phase 3 of engagement, Metro is working to inform community members and asking for more input to help shape the route in these three areas:

The K Line in downtown Bellevue is planned to run on 110th Avenue NE from Main Street to the south, and NE 10th Street to the north. This route will provide convenient access to Link Light Rail and the Bellevue Transit Center.

Station (stops) placement will depend on multiple design factors, including but not limited to: utility relocations, property impacts, ease of construction, access to safe crossings for pedestrians, access to nearby businesses and activity centers, connections with existing transit services and project cost.

The construction of special transit lanes and upgrading stations to RapidRide standards may impact nearby property in some areas of the K Line route. During the design phase, Metro’s RapidRide real estate team will measure these impacts and contact property owners and/or tenants affected either temporarily by construction or more permanently by permanent land acquisition. See FAQ section for further information.

Metro prioritizes improvements in areas that lead to transit on each RapidRide project. Feedback received during Phase 2 of community engagement on the K Line emphasized the ability to safely access RapidRide stations. This includes improvements to the various ways people get to transit service, whether on foot or with a mobility device. Access to transit investments were incorporated into the overall project based on a combination of community input, equity goals, partner input.

Metro has identified several types of transit priority treatments for this project, including transit priority lanes and signals. Both may be implemented in a variety of ways. Treatments have been identified to provide adequate time savings to meet project goals for travel time and time savings. Specific implementation of recommended treatments will be evaluated in the next phase of the project—preliminary engineering.

Transit priority projects are the most important element of RapidRide to provide fast, reliable and frequent service and to welcome more riders. The impact of transit time savings anticipated for the K Line are summarized in the images below.

Project timeline

  • 2019 to 2020

    Planning: Needs and priorities
    In this first phase of engagement, Metro connected with community members, community-based organizations, businesses and agency partners to plan the RapidRide K Line route.

  • 2023 to 2024 (current)

    Planning: Early design
    Metro resumed planning phase activities and further engages community members in two more phases.

    • Gather input on early design plans (Community Engagement Phase 2)
    • Report back to share how community input shaped designs (Community Engagement Phase 3)
    • Present the Locally Preferred Alternative (LPA) to King County Council for adoption
    • Begin National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) process December 2024
  • 2025 to 2027

    Preliminary and final design

    • Further design of concepts and improvements identified in the Locally Preferred Alternative
    • Begin coordination with property owners of impacted areas (if applicable)
    • Submit FTA Small Starts Grant application
    • Final design of project improvements and construction ready plans
    • NEPA approval January 2026 to July 2026
  • 2028 to 2029

    Construction and route training

    • Construct new stations and other capital improvements such as sidewalks, bike lanes, improved crossings, and transit priority treatments (BAT Lanes and bus signal upgrades)
    • Operator training for K Line operation
    • Community engagement of construction-related activities and service restructure
  • 2030

    Service launch
    RapidRide K Line start of service


Project notifications were sent to landowners along the K Line route during Phase 2 of community engagement. The next phase will include preliminary design, which will further identify any potential property impacts. Once a potential impact is identified, the property owner will be contacted. If property owners are not contacted, it means there is no planned impact to the property. No matter the impact level, all property owners along the route will continue to receive project notifications throughout the project lifecycle.

During the preliminary design phase, if the project team identifies a right-of-way need, the property owner is contacted directly by Metro (with support from city partners). Property owners can participate through the larger community engagement process and impacts to their property are not decided without a Metro conversation. Metro plans to identify these property impacts during the preliminary design phase starting in 2025. Affected property owners would be contacted by summer/fall of 2025.

Ridership projections were developed in 2019, however ridership trends have shifted following the COVID-19 pandemic which saw a national decrease in transit ridership. King County continues to see an increase in riders and some routes are back at (or near) previous ridership levels. The project team is revising ridership projections to reflect these new conditions and will have revised ridership for the K Line in early 2025.

For comparison, the RapidRide B Line which serves eastside cities of Bellevue and Redmond is reporting 76% ridership recovery (as of Oct. 2024). Route 250 is reporting 58% ridership recovery (as of Oct. 2024). Route 239 and 250, introduced in 2020, have seen ridership growth each year and are currently averaging 700+ and 2500+ average weekday boardings.

The projected travel times with proposed improvements for the K Line are 68 minutes for northbound travel (from Eastgate Park-and-Ride to Totem Lake Transit Center) and 70.1 minutes for southbound travel (from Totem Lake Transit Center to Eastgate Park-and-Ride).

By comparison, corridor travel times without any proposed improvements would be 88.5 minutes northbound and 96.5 minutes southbound.

Note: the travel times reported above are for the Weekday PM Peak Hour, which is typically 3 pm to 7 pm.

The new RapidRide K Line route will include a restructure of surrounding transit service. This restructure will include a separate engagement process with city partners and community, in order to identify local routes that should be included in the service restructure and how the new, proposed transit network can best meet community needs. A service restructure will aim to reduce duplication of service and deliver a unified transit network that will maximize frequency, coverage area and timely connections to other regional transit service.

The $120 million is the planning-level estimate to deliver RapidRide service to meet national and county standards for bus rapid transit. The project budget includes new and upgraded stations with enhanced passenger amenities, ADA compliant ramps and other access projects, such as sidewalks and new crosswalks. All new features will be designed provide safe and convenient access to bus stations, as well as transit priority improvements (new bus signal technology and transit lanes, etc.) to ensure the RapidRide service is fast, reliable and frequent.

The project budget is assumed to be a 50/50 split between federal funds and a local funding match, of $60 million each. The cost of operation is not included in the project budget.

Resource Library

Right-of-Way Property Informational Letter (Winter 2025)

Right-of-Way letters were sent to the following groups of property owners: those identified last summer, those who will no longer be impacted and those who will be impacted due to route changes.

Community Engagement Executive Summary (Summer 2024)

A shorter, 5-page overview of the full summary report.

Community Engagement Summary (Summer 2024)

A detailed 100-page report summarizing the engagement conducted from June to July 2024 during the early planning design.

Right-of-Way Property Informational Letter (Summer 2024)

These letters were shared with property owners identified to have property potentially impacted by the RapidRide K Line. along ½ mile of the to-be RapidRide K Line.

Community Engagement Summary (Fall 2019)

Provides a summary of the engagement conducted from September to December 2019 during the needs and priorities assessment.

RapidRide Restart Report (March 2022)

Plan provided by King County Metro which describes the work completed up to March 30, 2022, in preparation to restart the planning work for RapidRide K and R Line.

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