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If you are an eligible voter living overseas for any reason or actively serving in the Armed Forces, Merchant Marines, Public Health Services, or the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Association, you have the right to cast a ballot in any election in which you would normally vote. As an overseas and/or service voter, you have additional options and time for voter registration, receiving and returning your ballot. 

Overseas and service voter registration deadlines

Overseas and service voters may register to vote any time up to 8 pm pacific time on election day.

How can I get my ballot?

As an overseas or service voter, we can send your ballot to you electronically to cast your vote on our online ballot marking site we can mail you a ballot anywhere in the world where you can receive mail.

When will I get my ballot?

We send ballots to overseas and service voters 30 days before a special election, and 45 days before a primary or general election.

How can I return my ballot?

Washington State law allows overseas and service voters to return their ballot materials electronically through email or fax, by mail, or in-person if there is a drop box available.



Fax: 206-296-4499


You do not need to add postage if you mail your ballot through the U.S. Postal Service, U.S. Armed Forces Postal Service or the Postal Service of the U.S. Foreign Embassy. Be sure to sign and date your return envelope. The date on your envelope should be the same as the date you mail your ballot (no later than election day).
