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The LPA inspector’s role is to make sure that the LPA project requirements are carried out as written in the approval letter or stated in the project plans.

  • For direct connections, the LPA inspector’s responsibility is to monitor the construction at the connection to the King County sewer system from the new local agency or private sewer line. The remainder of the new sewer line from the point of connection is the jurisdiction of the local agency.
  • The local agency’s inspector’s responsibility is to conduct sewer testing. The LPA team will request a copy of the sewer test results.

Typically, groundwater and stormwater from a construction site are treated and sent to a surface water body, either directly or through a storm drain. If the treated water does not meet water quality criteria; or if direct or indirect discharge is not available, it may be possible to send the treated water to the sanitary sewer. However, you must get permission from the local sewer agency to send this treated water to the sewer in addition to obtaining an Authorization for Construction Dewatering from King County Industrial Waste. If the proposed dewatering discharges directly to a King County sewer, you will also need to get approval from the LPA Program to use the facility for the discharge.

Each local agency has their own procedures to inspect and test new sewer connections. Please note the following:

  • The Local Public Agency team requests that you submit a copy of your sewer test records to serve as evidence that testing was completed.
  • There are no standard template or formatting requirements to record sewer results.