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New customers

Please call the King County Industrial Waste team. A staff member will walk you through which forms to fill out:

206-477-5300 or

Renewing customers

Your renewal letter indicates which forms you need to fill out. Find links to the forms below.

Industrial Waste Program survey

A KCIW staff member or your renewal letter may instruct you to fill out a survey. KCIW uses your responses to determine if you need to submit a wastewater discharge permit application.

Industrial Waste Program survey instructions (23KB)

Industrial Waste Program survey (32KB)

Delegate signatory authority

Use this form to delegate signature authority to someone who is not an "authorized representative" of your company, as defined on the form.

Delegation of Signatory Authority form (69KB)

What happens after you submit your survey?

After reviewing your survey form, KCIW may be able to make a permitting decision based on the survey form or we will request that your facility submit a wastewater discharge permit application. KCIW will contact you with further instructions.

How much advance notice is needed to obtain a new approval to discharge industrial wastewater?

The time it takes (either 60 or 90 days) to obtain approval to discharge depends upon the type and amount of wastewater a company discharges to the sewer.

Companies that are planning to start discharging industrial wastewater from a new facility, or to start discharging wastewater from a new process at an existing operation, must file applications according to the following criteria: if the proposed operation will be subject to a federal categorical pretreatment standard, for instance metal finishing or centralized waste treatment, then the application must be filed at least 90 days prior to the start of discharge.

All non-categorical dischargers must apply at least 60 days prior to the start of discharge.

The sooner applicants contact KCIW to discuss their applications, the better!

One-Time discharge authorization request

Businesses or individuals may request to discharge industrial waste to the sanitary sewer as a one-time discharge, if the wastewater meets King County Local Discharge Limits and conditions, without having to apply for a waste discharge permit, a process that requires a full permit application and oversight from the King County Industrial Waste Program (KCIW). 

Use this form to apply for ONLY a one-time, short duration, waste discharge approval from KCIW. King County may require that you complete the full permit application depending on the information provided on this one-time discharge authorization request form.

One-Time Discharge Authorization Request Form (177KB)

Wastewater discharge permit application

Fill out the permit application if a KCIW staff member or your renewal letter has instructed you to do so.

Wastewater discharge permit application (2.1MB)

Exhibit instructions for wastewater discharge authorization application (618KB)

Delegate signatory authority

Use this form to delegate signature authority to someone who is not an "authorized representative" of your company, as defined on the form.

Delegation of Signatory Authority form (69KB)

Supplemental forms

If instructed by a KCIW staff member or your renewal letter, please include the appropriate business sector specific form with your application.

Sector Forms to Download
Biotechnology Biotechnology supplementary questionnaire (17KB)
Breweries Breweries supplementary questionnaire (21KB)
Commercial septage discharged to the King County sewer system Septage acceptance application (32KB)
Construction site dewatering or groundwater remediation General authorization form (101KB) or Individual authorization form (245KB)
Contaminated industrial stormwater Supplemental application for discharge of contaminated stormwater (21KB)
Dental practice wastewater One-time compliance report form (313KB)
Medical facilities Discharge application for hospitals and medical laboratories (30KB)
Metal finishing  Metal finishing supplementary questionnaire (18KB)
Wineries Wineries supplementary questionnaire (181KB)