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Brightwater Center

The Brightwater treatment system is also home to the Brightwater Center, which features environmentally focused interpretative exhibits and community programs and events.

Learn more:

Tours and education programs

Tours and education programs help people learn about wastewater treatment and stormwater, and how everyone can help protect our waters for a healthier, more sustainable future.

Learn how you can participate in programs and tours here.

Trails and natural areas

Brightwater trails and the North Habitat area provide healthy outdoor space for people and wildlife. Trail users can get exercise and enjoy fresh air and nature. Local wildlife thrives in the North Habitat. The North and South Wetscapes include stormwater management features that protect water quality and wildlife near and far.

New public access and natural restoration areas throughout the Brightwater System meet requirements to mitigate community and environmental impacts identified during environmental review. Public access areas outside of King County’s Brightwater property are managed by local jurisdictions.

King County WTD continues to monitor restored natural areas and address permit requirements for environmental quality.

You can find information about other mitigation areas in the Brightwater System below:
