HealthPoint-Midway in Des Moines
The HealthPoint-Midway in Des Moines will be closed on Friday, December 13, 2024, 1 pm to 5 pm for an all-staff meeting.
Maternity Support Services (MSS) and Infant Case Management (ICM)
- MSS services include assessment, education and referrals through a team approach to support a healthy pregnancy. MSS providers also help pregnant women find health insurance, local doctors or midwives and other community resources.
- The ICM program provides support and referral to needed medical, social, educational and other resources in the local community to help babies and families thrive. Care team members include Public Health Nurses, Nutritionists, Social Worker and Community Health Worker.
Maternity screening
Office visit with a nurse to verify pregnancy, determine medical risk and financial status, and refer to appropriate prenatal services, including to DSHS for medical coupons, health care provider for maternity care, appropriate site for maternity support services and WIC Supplemental Food Program.
Women, Infants and Children nutrition program (WIC)
WIC is a supplemental food and nutrition education program for women who are pregnant or breastfeeding, infants and children.