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Recycling collection benchmark

Learn effective strategies for increasing school recycling and reducing contamination.

The recycling collection benchmark encourages schools and districts to create systems that increase recycling and reduce contamination. Increasing recycling can reduce disposal costs for schools and districts. It also ensures that valuable resources are kept in use and out of the landfill.

Criteria for recognition


  • Conduct a baseline Waste Walk Through (WWT) at least every 2 years. Use the information to set recycling and waste reduction goals.
  • Promote your school and/or district recycling goals. Examples could include assemblies, newsletters, announcements, or social media posts.
  • Show an increase in your recycling rate OR sustain a recycling rate of 40% for at least 3 months. Share your average recycling rate.
    • Use this recycling rate worksheet to gather monthly data and determine a recycling rate. Share your findings with the principal, custodian, and peers.
  • Show reduction in your contamination. Maintain low or no contamination in recycling and trash bins for at least 3 months.
    • Conduct visual or waste audits of the school’s recycling bins in classrooms, hallways, and cafeterias. Complete the Green Schools Program contamination scale worksheet each month.
  • Place labeled and paired trash and recycling bins in all classrooms, offices, and common areas. Ensure the labels reflect current recycling guidelines. Refer to our recycling resources below for Green Schools Program examples.
  • Share at least 1 way you’re educating all students and staff about recycling efforts with your program representative.
  • Share at least 1 recycling success with your program representative.
  • Optional: Share your other recycling actions.


Districts can find recognition criteria for the Recycling Collection Benchmark in the District Benchmark Guide.

Recognition form


Fill out the School Recycling Collection recognition form. Schools may fill out the form to receive the benchmark badge at any time of year.
You can complete the recognition form over multiple sessions using the "Save" button. You will be emailed a link that allows you to continue filling out the form. Once the form is complete, select the "Submit" button.


Fill out the District Recycling Collection recognition form. Districts may fill out the form to receive the benchmark badge in the spring of each school year.

Recycling resources and activities

Interested in learning more? Check out our resource list for more detailed information on this benchmark topic.

Success stories

At Redmond Elementary School in Lake Washington School District, students used drama to highlight recycling. They created a play titled “Eco Heroes,” and performed it during International Night. The play educated the community on reducing, repurposing, recycling, and correct sorting practices. Additionally, students hosted a plastic film recycling drive in collaboration with Ridwell.

Students at the French American School of Puget Sound launched several new projects during the 2023-24 school year. They ordered new recycling bins for kindergarten through eighth grade classrooms. The bins helped create more consistent sorting.  They also conducted educational sessions for adults and students on proper sorting practices. Further, they partnered with Ridwell to recycle single-use plastics (including packaging). This partnership helped reduce plastic waste.

This year, staff and students at Thomas Jefferson High School in Federal Way School District started a recycling program. They’d been without a recycling program for several years. The school worked hard to accommodate the needs of custodial staff in providing school-wide recycling. Volunteers also worked after school and during lunches to properly sort the recycling.  They're excited to build on their success next year!
