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Organics collection

Learn effective strategies for composting food scraps and reducing contamination.

Food scraps, partially eaten, and unwanted food that can't be donated can be collected for composting. A new law starting on January 1, 2025 will require schools to compost food waste if they create more than 1 cubic yard per week. That's about the size of a refrigerator. The Green Schools Program provides guidance, indoor collection bins, signs, and educational tools. Contact your program representative to learn more about how your school may be impacted by the Organics Management Law.

Criteria for recognition


  • Conduct a baseline Waste Walk Through (WWT) at least every 2 years. Use the information to set waste reduction goals. If applicable, The WWT will focus on organics to check your compliance with the Organics Management Law.
  • Promote your school and/or district organics collection goals. Examples could include assemblies, newsletters, announcements, or social media posts.
  • Establish and maintain organics collection and sustain low or no contamination in the organics bins for at least 3 months.
  • Conduct monthly visual or waste audits of school organics bins. Fill out the Green Schools Program contamination scale worksheet each month. Share your findings with the principal, custodian, and peers.
  • Provide labeled organics collection bins paired with a trash can in kitchens, cafeterias, or areas where food is prepared or consumed. See our resources below for examples of bins and labels.
  • Share at least 1 way you’re educating all students and staff about organics collection efforts with your program representative
  • Share at least 1 success from your organics collection efforts with your program representative.
  • Optional: Share your other organics collection actions.


Districts can find recognition criteria for the Organics Collection Benchmark in the District Benchmark Guide.

Recognition form


Fill out the School Organics Collection recognition form. You may fill out the form to receive your benchmark badge at any time of year.

You can complete the recognition form over multiple sessions using the "Save" button. You will be emailed a link that allows you to continue filling out the form. Once the form is complete, select the "Submit" button.


Fill out the District Organics Collection recognition form. Districts may fill out the form to receive the benchmark badge in the spring of each school year.

Success stories

Composting is so important to the community at Sunrise Elementary School in the Northshore School District that they fundraised to cover the costs of organics collection. The student green team worked hard to educate and motivate everyone around reducing food waste. They volunteered to monitor the bins during lunch, ensuring all trash, recycling, and food waste were properly sorted.

Park Orchard Elementary was the first school in the Kent School District to pilot organics collection.  They made sure students and staff were trained on where to put their food waste after lunch.

The Green Team at Lake Washington High School in the Lake Washington School District has supported the school's composting program since it started in 2023. Students monitored the waste stations and completed 2 waste audits. They found that 54% of what was going into the trash was compostable. The Green Team ran several educational programs around proper waste disposal. This included announcements, posters, and creating school media.
