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Reports and publications

2024 King County EMS Annual Report (4.7 MB)

This year's Annual Report highlights efforts to train the EMS workforce and the public, utilize alternatives to "lights and sirens" to better meet patient needs, and improve patient care through evaluation audits. You'll read about our commitment to bringing diversity into our workforce, our response to demands for increased support for EMS training, and our progress in moving our regional Strategic Initiatives forward.

Additional publications

  • 2020-2025 Strategic Plan (1.5 MB)
    On June 26, 2019, the King County Council unanimously passed both the Medic One/EMS 2020-2025 Strategic Plan and the EMS levy measures, clearing the way for the 6-year, 26.5-cent EMS levy to be placed on the NoveMBer 2019 general election ballot.
    The Plan and levy are the direct result of an extensive process recently undertaken by regional leaders, decision-makers and Stakeholders, to ensure the EMS system can continue meetings its commitments into the future.
    The levy rate of 26.5 cents/$1,000 AV means that an owner of a $500,00 home in the region will pay $133 in 2020 for some of the nation’s most highly-trained medical personnel to arrive within minutes of an emergency, at any time of day or night, no matter where in King County.
  • Medic One/EMS 2014-2019 Strategic Plan (8.5 MB)
    The Medic One/EMS 2014-2019 Strategic Plan is the primary policy and financial document that will direct the Medic One/EMS system into the future. The Plan provides a general description of the programmatic services to be supported throughout the levy period, and a financial plan to implement the recommendations. As the result of a nine-month all-inclusive planning process, the Strategic Plan reflects the collaborative efforts from public and private regional partners, cities, the King County Executive and the EMS Division.
  • Medic One/EMS 2008-2013 Strategic Plan (4.9 MB)
    The Medic One/EMS 2008-2013 Strategic Plan is the primary policy and financial document that will direct the Medic One/EMS system into the future. It details the system's current accomplishments, and recommends the necessary steps to ensure the system can meet tomorrow's commitments.
  • 2003 Supplemental Plan to the 2002 Strategic Plan Update (142 KB)
  • 2002 Strategic Plan Update of the 1998-2003 EMS Strategic Plan (955 KB)