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Community trainings

Our Environmental Health Services teams offer various trainings to county residents, community partners, business operators and staff, and more! We’re compiling these trainings to make them easy to access.

Indoor Air Quality

Breathe Better at Home: Indoor Air Quality training

  • Audience: anyone who wants to improve the indoor air quality of where they live, work, or play!
  • Format: Webpage you can click through to learn more.

Improving Indoor Air Quality Training Video

  • Audience: anyone who owns or operates an indoor space where people gather, or wants to improve indoor air quality!
  • Format: training video, along with translated slides (below)

On-site sewage systems (also known as septic systems)

Buying and selling houses on septic systems presentation (3.4 MB)

  • Audience: Real estate agents
  • Format: PowerPoint slides

Septic system maintenance for food establishments (2.7 MB)
