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Assigned Counsel Panel - Public Defense

The Department of Public Defense (DPD) uses Assigned Counsel Panel attorneys for cases where there is a conflict with all 4 public defender divisions.

Assigned Counsel Panel attorneys operate as independent contractors and are assigned cases on an individual basis. Approximately 10% of the total King County public defense caseload goes to the Assigned Counsel Panel.

We assign attorneys to represent indigent clients in:

  • Felonies
  • Misdemeanors
  • Juvenile offenses
  • Civil commitments
  • Dependencies

DPD's Assigned Counsel Policy

DPD has established an updated set of policies and guidelines to:

  • Foster consistent practices among our Assigned Counsel Panel.
  • Clarify the Department's billing processes.
  • Lay out other expectations and requirements for legal representation.

Our Assigned Counsel policy (336KB)

Applying to DPD's Assigned Counsel Panels

DPD is always seeking new attorneys for our Assigned Counsel Panel. Applicants should have strong litigation skills, as well as technical skills and other resources to support representation of indigent clients.

Panel applications and instructions (287KB)

DPD Capacity Counsel

DPD has established a set of policies that govern the capacity contracting program.

Our Capacity Contracting Policy
