KCSO has experienced and highly trained detectives who can investigate any crime that takes place in our communities.
Local precinct detectives handle:
Criminal Investigations Division detectives handle:
What About "CSI"?
The Sheriff's Office does not have its own crime lab or a designated crime scene investigation team. Instead, deputies, detective teams, and/or support units process the scene.
Sometimes, patrol deputies can collect all of the necessary evidence, including photographs and fingerprints; they will then send the case and evidence to a detective for follow-up.
Other times, detectives with specific expertise will be called directly to the scene. For example, detectives in our Major Accident Response and Reconstruction (MARR) team are experts with the science, math, and tools needed to reconstruct a vehicle accident or crime scene. Photographers and latent fingerprint specialists from our Automated Fingerprint Identification System (AFIS) section also may be called out to assist.
We also rely on the Washington State Crime Lab for assistance with our evidence.