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Disposal of unwanted firearms or ammo

Did you know King County Sheriff’s Office can assist you in disposing of any unwanted firearms or ammunition if you are a resident of unincorporated King County or reside in one of our contract cities?

The department offers scheduled appointments to turn in any unwanted guns or ammunitions to any unincorporated KCSO precinct and contract city listed below.

When turning over a firearm:

  1. Call ahead and let officers know you have items to bring in for destruction.
  2. If you know how to safely unload the firearm before bringing it into the precinct, please do so.
  3. When you arrive at the precinct, please leave the firearm(s) in your vehicle until you have spoken to a King County Sheriff’s Office employee.
  4. Please do not bring a visible firearm into the precinct.
  5. A KCSO personnel will assist you in retrieving the firearm(s) from the vehicle.
  6. If you do not feel safe handling the firearm(s), please call the non-emergency number (206) 296-3311 and ask that officers be dispatched to your location to pick up your weapon(s). 

What happens to the items I bring in?

  • Firearms will be checked to be sure they have not been reported stolen.
  • Firearms turned into the King County Sheriff’s Office are melted down at West Seattle's NuCor Steel plant after a 60-day waiting period.
  • Any firearm that is considered an antique, curio, relic, or greater than 50 years old will not be destroyed per the RCW and ATF laws. At this time, they will be stored indefinitely.

