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Learn more about Vision 2045 Plan and Part 150 Noise Study

Open House on March 20, 2025

King County International Airport-Boeing Field (KCIA) invites community members and airport tenants to attend an open house on Thursday, March 20 from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. to learn about progress on KCIA’s Part 150 Study, a noise and land use compatibility study. The open house will be held at the KCIA Flight Service Station, 6526 Ellis Ave. S. in Seattle. Community members can stop by any time to talk with the project team and share their feedback on airport noise. 

“At this stage of the Part 150 process, the study team has prepared Noise Exposure Maps (NEMs) for community review and comment,” said John Parrott, KCIA director. “We encourage community members from neighborhoods around the airport to attend and learn more."

The maps also show how the land is used near KCIA and if it is compatible with the projected level of noise exposure from aircraft operations. For example, homes that are within a certain level of noise exposure on the map may be eligible for noise mitigation help.

KCIA is undertaking two important studies to plan for the future of the airport: the Vision 2045 Airport Plan and the Part 150 Study. Vision 2045 evaluates what KCIA needs to do to adapt to meet future aviation needs over the next 20 years. The Part 150 study measures how much airplane noise can be heard from the ground and will be used to make plans for reducing the effects of noise in surrounding neighborhoods.

More information about the open house:

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The website includes the draft NEMs. Comments on the NEMs will be accepted through 5 p.m. Pacific Daylight Time (PDT) on April 4, 2025.

There will be no formal presentation at the open house. Free parking is available in the building's parking lot and on nearby streets. A King County Metro bus stop at Ellis Ave. S and S. Warsaw Street, across from the KCIA Flight Service Station, serves the 124 and 60 routes. Interpretation will be available in Spanish, Mandarin, Cantonese, Khmer, Vietnamese, and Tagalog.

The study team will host additional open houses and engagement opportunities through mid-2026.
