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Trusted Partner Network (TPN)

The Trusted Partner Network (TPN) is an effort to ensure that every resident of King County receives critical lifesaving emergency alerts, regardless of whether they speak English or where they live. By partnering with trusted leaders within every major language group in King County, the TPN will create a link between King County's emergency alert system, the non-English speaking populations, and other communities that it currently does not serve.

Community members trained in the TPN will convey urgent public messages regarding natural and man-made disasters or other emergencies that residents need immediate information about. This network will help ensure that no group is unfairly impacted in an emergency. The TPN is one part of King County's Inclusive Emergency Communications Plan to fulfill requirements under new Washington State law making emergency messaging inclusive to all major language groups in the county

The TPN provides a valuable connection between government agencies and Limited English Proficient (LEP) residents before, during, and after a disaster. It is used to disseminate urgent public messages associated with natural and man-made disasters, severe weather events, disease outbreaks, or other emergencies in which residents need immediate information about what to do, and what not to do, to protect themselves and loved ones. It is also used to share information about how to prepare for emergencies before they happen.

To assist in recruiting volunteers for the Trusted Partner Network, download or view our guide.

How do Trusted Partners help?

  1. Receive emergency response notification, life, health and safety action information.
  2. Activate community information-sharing networks: distribute emergency messaging as quickly as possible to faith-based organizations, businesses, and individual residents through social media, phone trees, email, and face-to-face communication.
  3. Report, as requested, essential information about your community's situation to King County during emergency incidents and drills, including requests for needed resources. You help with emergency response and recovery by being the "eyes and ears" for your community.

What makes a Trusted Partner?

  • Bilingual (Must read and speak English)
  • Ability to use a Smartphone
  • Trusted within community
  • Ability to get information to people in your language group
  • Willingness to partner with government
  • Passionate about safety of community

How do I get involved?

To become a TPN volunteer, simply watch the three orientation videos below, and then fill out the volunteer onboarding form. If you have questions, would like more information about the program, or want to become a TPN volunteer, please email

DATA DISCLAIMER: As community members, the contact information you provide, such as personal emails, cell phone numbers, etc. is not subject to release under public records laws. Responding to an official TPN alert remains a private communication system; receiving alerts and/or responding to them will not compromise the privacy of your contact information or address.
