Preparedness training

King County Emergency Management is committed to helping residents gain the skills they need to prepare for and respond to emergencies, prevent injuries, and recover from disasters.
We offer free trainings and information sessions for businesses, community groups, schools, and other organizations throughout unincorporated areas of King County. We also coordinate delivery of this curriculum with partners serving local jurisdictions.
Topics include:
- Items to include in a disaster kit
- Understanding local hazards and their impacts
- Emergency preparations for yourself and loved ones, as well as pets, children, seniors, and special needs populations
- How to plan for emergencies at home and work
- Creating a family emergency communications and safety plan
- Organizing your neighbors to help each other during a disaster
- Disaster planning for community-based organizations
- National Weather Service SKYWARN Storm Spotter Program
Request a presentation for your community group or organization via email or call 206-296-3830. Not all requests can be fulfilled.
Disaster Skills Training
Multiple hazards threaten the King County region. When a disaster happens, many of the services we rely on will be interrupted and emergency responders will be quickly overwhelmed. Critical infrastructure, such as transportation, utility, and communication systems may be damaged. So, we all need to be prepared to be self-sufficient for days or weeks at a time.
Learning disaster skills is critical to your ability to prepare for and respond appropriately during a crisis. Attend our Basic Disaster Skills and Advanced Disaster Skills trainings to learn how to protect yourself and those you care about, as well minimizing damage to your home and property.
Basic disaster skills
This training is designed to support individuals and families who are starting to work toward emergency preparedness. Topics covered in the training include: understanding local hazards and what to expect in an earthquake, developing a household emergency plan, building emergency preparedness kits, and connecting to local information sources before, during, and after emergencies.
Register for a Virtual Basic Disaster Skills Training (you will receive a link to the training 1-2 days before)
(More information to come on future training dates.)
Learn more by checking out the Washington State and King County National Preparedness Month Webinar or our on-demand Disaster Skills Training video below.
Advanced Disaster Skills
This series of workshops is currently in development and is designed as a continuation of the Basic Disaster Skills Training.
Individual workshops cover topics such as:
- Types of fires and how to control and prevent fire
- Bleeding control and basic first aid (note: this is not a Stop the Bleed course, nor is it a first aid certification course)
- Summer hazards preparedness
- Winter hazards preparedness
- And more!
Advanced Disaster Skills Training webinars
- Building Your Emergency Water Supply: Watch the recording
- Winter Weather: Watch the recording
- Cybersecurity: Watch the recording
- Building Your Emergency Kit: Watch the recording
Currently, many of these trainings are offered by request from community groups. For questions or to make a request, please contact us at or 206-296-3830. Please be prepared to allow time for scheduling and planning.
Federal Emergency Management Agency training

The Federal Emergency Management Agency offers self-paced free online courses through their Emergency Management institute. They are designed not only for emergency management professionals, but also the general public. Below are few specific courses we encourage residents or organizations to take.
- Are you Ready? An In-depth Guide to Citizen Preparedness
- Community Preparedness: Implementing Simple Activities for Everyone
- Planning for the Needs of Children in Disasters
- Introduction to Hazardous Materials
- Earthquake Basics: Science, Risk, and Mitigation
- Animals in Disasters: Awareness and Preparedness
Training for schools, businesses, or faith-based or community-based organizations.
- Introduction to the Incident Command System
- Continuity of Operations Awareness Course
- Preparing for Mass Casualty Incidents: A Guide for Schools, Higher Education, and Houses of Worship
- Multi-Hazard Emergency Planning for Schools
- Protecting Your Home or Small Business From Disaster
- The Role of Voluntary Organizations in Emergency Management