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Coal Creek sewer upgrade

The Coal Creek Sewer Upgrade Project will install new sewer pipes to carry more wastewater and meet the growing needs of Bellevue and Newcastle.

Project description

The Coal Creek Sewer Upgrade Project will upgrade a regional sewer line that serves Bellevue and Newcastle. Built between 1966 and 1991, the existing pipeline is nearing its maximum capacity and needs to be upgraded to carry more wastewater and meet the growing needs of the community.

Once installed, the new sewer pipe will serve the area for another 50 years or more.

Project update

March 2025

Survey work in the Coal Creek Sewer Upgrade Project area beginning this month

As King County’s Coal Creek Sewer Upgrade Project moves into construction, early field activity will begin soon.

The County’s contractor will survey multiple work areas, including the Coal Creek Natural Area, a utility right of way that will be used for staging, and more. The contractor’s survey activity is expected to begin in late March and take 8 weeks.

Before the contractor begins their pre-construction survey, King County Wastewater Treatment Division’s Mitigation and Monitoring team will perform a routine annual survey of the existing Coal Creek pipe alignment. These surveys help us monitor how the creek and environment around our pipe changes over time. This work is expected to begin March 14 and take up to 3 days.

We will continue to monitor restored work locations in the Natural Area after construction for the duration of King County’s permits (expected to be 10 years). In addition, we will monitor decommissioned sections of pipe into the future.

Construction starting this year!

A new clean water project is about to hit the ground running! King County has awarded the construction contract for the Coal Creek Sewer Upgrade Project. The contractor is anticipated to begin work as early as the first quarter of 2025. We are currently working with the contractor on an approved project schedule. When that schedule is available, we will share information with the public and begin outreach to share what we see ahead for the next few years.

Sign up for the project email list to get updates, learn about construction, and find outreach activities that you can participate in!

Interested in a project briefing for your community group?

We are available meet with you or come to your next community event. The project team share the latest project information and talk about what will happen over the next several years of construction. Please contact Frances Kuo 206-263-9237 or

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Project location
