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Grants and Funding Opportunities

Find King County funding opportunities for community organizations.

Grants available through County Departments and Partner Entities

The following grants are administered through King County Departments and partner entities. Follow the link provided to learn more about each opportunity and access the most up-to-date information on that opportunity.

Please note that each of these grants have distinct schedules and may not be currently accepting applications. If you are interested in any of the below opportunities, click the link and consider signing up for their newsletters to be kept informed of new funding opportunities as soon as they become available.


4Culture is the cultural funding agency for King County. Through support for arts, heritage, preservation, and science and technology, they work to ensure that cultural opportunities are accessible to all. 4Culture provides numerous grant projects in King County with rolling deadlines throughout the year. Visit 4Culture’s website to see if you qualify.

Alan M. Painter Community Engagement Grants

This program funds community projects that help residents in King County’s unincorporated Community Service Areas participate in—and be more connected to—their communties and to King County. To receive funding, applicants must demonstrate how their project is accessible to all residents, regardless of race, income, or language spoken. These funds may not be used for politcal purposes. Visit Alan M. Painter Grant Program webpage to see if you qualify.

Best Starts for Kids

Best Starts for Kids (BSK) is King County’s commitment to ensure that all children in King County can reach adulthood happy, healthy, safe, and thriving. BSK provides resources that focus on promotion, prevention, and early intervention for kids from the prenatal stage through age 24. BSK partners with community organizations, non-profits, school and school districts, tribal organizations, and local government agencies across King County to implement programs, provide technical assistance to partner organizations, and address critical needs in the community. Funds are distributed through a competitive request for proposals process. Learn more and look for current funding opportunities on the BSK website.

Conservation Futures

Conservations Futures funds can be used to purchase or conserve sites that will be used as parks and open spaces. These may include urban greenspaces, natural areas, sites for habitat and stream restoration, forests, community gardens, farms, and trails. Additional information can be found on the Conservation Futures webpage, including the application process, schedule, and workshops. 

Communities of Opportunity

Communities of Opportunity is a union between The Seattle Foundation and King County government. Each were laying the groundwork to address economic and racial inequities through place-based work and systemic change and rather than doing business as usual and proceeding on independent tracks, they united to incubate a new public-private approach called “Communities of Opportunity.” To find out about funding opportunities, visit the Communities of Opportunity website.

Crisis Care Centers Initiative

The Crisis Care Centers Initiative began implementation in 2024 to create a countywide network of five behavioral health crisis care centers, restore and expand mental health residential treatment beds, and strengthen the community behavioral health workforce. This effort was approved by voters in 2023. The nine-year levy also aims to promote continuity of care by linking telephone crisis lines, mobile crisis teams, and other behavioral health resources to support people’s recovery. Funds are distributed through a competitive request for proposals process. Learn more and look for current funding opportunities on the Crisis Care Centers Initiative webpage.

Flood Reduction Grants

The King County Flood Control District provides four grant programs to address countywide flood issues. These grants are for medium and small flood reduction projects across the county, as well as for projects to address flood issues associated with urban streams, coastal erosion/coastal flooding, and culvert placement/fish passage restoration. Find more information about these programs on the Flood Control District’s website.

Parks Levy Grants

King County Parks has several grant programs that are awarded to community organizations for projects to increase accessibility to parks, green spaces, and recreation opportunities for King County residents. Eligible applicants include local governments, non-profits, tribal organizations, school districts, or park districts. Public access or public benefit is a requirement, and recipients are obligated to ensure long-term public access or benefit. Applications can be submitted directly through the King County Parks website. For general questions, please email King County Parks directly at

Puget Sound Taxpayer Accountability Account (PSTAA)

The Puget Sound Taxpayer Accountability Account (PSTAA) invests in improving educational opportunities for children, youth, and young adults in early learning, K-12, and college, career, and technical education. Investment priorities include addressing current gaps in the education system and improving outcomes for historically underserved youth. Emphasis areas include increasing and improving access to early learning facilities (including capital), culturally relevant youth programs, and college and career access and supports. Resources may be available for capital and operational costs depending on the intended use of the funds. Learn more and look for current funding opportunities on the PSTAA website.

Veterans, Seniors, and Human Services Levy (VSHSL)

The Veterans, Seniors, and Human Services Levy (VSHSL) connects servicemembers and their families, residents aged 55 years and older, and resilient communities to resources that promote healthy living, financial stability, social engagement, housing stability, access to services, and more. Funds are distributed through a competitive request for proposals (RFPs) process. Learn more and look for current funding opportunities on the VSHSL website.


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