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King County Boards and Commissions

King County Boards and Commissions

Thank you for your interest in King County boards and commissions. We currently have about 50 active boards and commissions comprised of over 475 volunteers. Board members serve without compensation unless stated otherwise in their board's enabling legislation.  The primary responsibility of our boards and commissions is to advise King County leadership on policies and programs that impact residents who reside in King County.

The King County Executive's annual report on citizen boards and commissions, reporting on calendar year 2023, is available for review online by clicking on this hyperlink Annual Report.

King County seeks to create an inclusive and accessible process for individuals who wish to serve on a King County board or commission.  We strive to ensure that King County boards and commissions are reflective of the community we serve.

If you have questions about the application process or our boards and commission, please contact:

Tala Mahmoud, External Affairs Coordinator
King County Executive Office
401 Fifth Ave, Suite 800
Seattle, Washington 98104
Direct email to


"Volunteering is the ultimate exercise in democracy. You vote in elections once a year, but when you volunteer, you vote every day about the kind of community you want to live in."
