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King County boards and commissions currently recruiting

King County accepts applications from individuals seeking an appointment to a King County board or commission at any time. To apply for a position on a King County board or commission, individuals must complete a basic application form (PDF). If appointed to a King County board or commission, newly appointed board members will also be required to complete a King County Board of Ethics financial disclosure form (PDF).

King County seeks to create an inclusive and accessible process for individuals who wish to serve on a King County board or commission. We strive to ensure that King County boards and commissions are representative of the communities we serve.

Currently recruiting for qualified candidates are the following boards and commissions:

Apply to the Deadly Incident Review and Recommendation Panel

King County Executive Dow Constantine is inviting interested persons to apply to serve on the Deadly Incident Review and Recommendation Panel (Panel). Service on the Panel is voluntary. Persons interested in serving on the Panel should apply by March 31, 2025, by emailing your completed application form to Tala Mahmoud at Prospective panel members may be asked to participate in an interview process, particularly when there are multiple applicants for a position. 

The Purpose of the Panel: As part of the new inquest process under the King County Charter, the Panel will review and make recommendations related to the death of persons who have died following interactions with, or while in the custody of law enforcement in King County to determine whether there was compliance with accepted and best law enforcement practice and whether those practices were sufficient for the particular circumstances or whether the practices require adjustment or improvement. Where appropriate, the Panel will recommend appropriate changes to statutes, rules, training, policies, and procedures that are intended to decrease death or injury following interactions with law enforcement while preserving public safety, officer safety, and in the case of jails, institutional safety.  

If you’re interested in applying, please fill out the Panel Application and email your submitted application to Tala Mahmoud, External Affairs Coordinator, at

Health Through Housing Advisory Committee

The HTH team welcomes nominations of trusted community members who are passionate about expanding access to equitable and affordable housing in our region and who hold any of the following identities and/or experiences:

  • Represent geographic regions across King County, including rural and urban areas and north, east, south, and central regions of King County.
  • Represent racial-ethnic, gender identity, or experiential communities that are disproportionately experiencing homelessness in King County, including people whose experiences intersect the behavioral health or criminal legal systems.
  • Lived experience of homelessness or have lived in a HTH building.
  • Have a track record of allyship for equitable, affordable, and accessible housing.

Board for Developmental Disabilities

King County Department of Community and Human Services is recruiting individuals interested in seeking an appointment to the King County Board for Developmental Disabilities. The Board will: share about community resources and events; hold meetings that are welcoming and inclusive; and listen to community concerns. 

To serve on this Board, applicants should be: persons with disabilities; parents of young children with developmental delays or disabilities; or advocates for persons with disabilities. Further, we are committed to ensure that the Board is reflective of the community we serve.

King County residents interested in seeking an appointment to the King County Board for Developmental Disabilities should consider attending a few board meetings to see if this board is a good fit for you. Then, if interested, you can apply for an appointment by clicking on the following link: How to apply for an appointment to the board - If you have questions about the board, please contact Jim Ott at

King County International Airport Roundtable

The King County International Airport Roundtable is current recruiting to fill the following positions:

  • as a representative from communities directly affected by the airport - Beacon Hill
  • as a representative from communities directly affected by the airport – South Park

The Roundtable is an advisory board that makes recommendations to the airport's administrators, the King County Executive, and the King County Council. Its membership includes representatives of aviation-related businesses and representatives from communities directly affected by the airport. The Roundtable meets on the second Monday of each month. Meetings are held in person at the airport terminal as well as virtually on Zoom. If you reside in Beacon Hill or South Park community and are interested in serving on the King County International Airport Roundtable, please submit a completed application form to Ellen Knowlen at

Seattle Ferry Advisory Committee

The Ferry Advisory Committee reports to the Washington State Department of Transportation (DOT) and reports on problems experienced within the area served by the Washington State Ferries, particularly when the DOT is conducting a review of the tariffs and other ferry service questions.

The committee is comprised of 3 representatives serving four-year terms.

The committee must have at least one person representing an established ferry user group. Each member shall reside in the vicinity of the Colman Dock terminal. Members are frequently asked to represent ferry patrons by serving on Ferry Planning Committees. At the time of appointment, not more than two members shall be from the same political party. 

WaterWorks Grant Ranking Committee

The WaterWorks Grant Ranking Committee is responsible for reviewing, ranking, and making recommendations for funding through the WaterWorks competitive grant program. WaterWorks funds projects that improve water quality in the King County Wastewater Treatment Division Service Area

Over $2 million are awarded every two years projects for a variety of projects through the competitive process, including green stormwater infrastructure (rain gardens and cisterns), education and community engagement, research and monitoring, stormwater retrofits, source control, pollution prevention, and stream and riverbank restoration.

The Committee has 13 members: 9 Council district representatives nominated by King County Councilmembers; 3 representatives for MWPAAC (Metropolitan Water Pollution Advisory Committee) nominated by MWPAAC, and 1 water quality technical specialist. All 13 positions are appointed by the King County Executive and confirmed by the King County Council. Members serve 3-year terms with a 2-term limit.

If interested in seeking an appointment, please click on the following hyperlink for the application. Please send your completed application to Elizabeth Loudon, WaterWorks Grant Manager, for more information, 206-477-4297). 


If you are seeking a Council District representative position, please contact your King County Councilmember, as Council District representatives must be nominated by a King County Councilmember. To find out what Council district you live in or to see the district map visit this page.


Council District 6 Position; contact Councilmember Claudia Balducci's office at 206-477-1006

Council District 7 Position; contact Councilmember von Reichbauer’s office at 206-477-1007.

Council District 8 Position; contact Councilmember Mosqueda’s office at 206-477-1008.

Council District 9 Position; contact Councilmember Dunn’s office at 206-477-1009.

Board Info: Terms are for 3-years; committee members attend around 13 meetings/year in the grant review year (odd years) and 1-2 meetings in the off years (even years). Members are expected to read several hundred pages of application materials per grant cycle. Meetings will be virtual with the possibility of some in person meetings depending on the COVID situation at the time.

Qualifications for all members are: experience or interest in water quality issues; residency in the WTD Service Area; experience or interest in grants or contracts; ability to evaluate proposals using criteria; and the ability to work with a committee to reach consensus decisions.

Learn more about WaterWorks at

Women's Advisory Board

The King County Women's Advisory Board (WAB) is a Council-nominated board - meaning each King County Councilmember gets to nominate someone from their district to serve as a district representative on the board. The Board makes recommendations to the King County Executive and King County Council to ensure King County takes into account the needs, rights and well-being of women.

The WAB has 9 Council-nominated representatives, 4 Council at-large representatives (nominated by the Council Chair from nominations received from the King County Councilmembers) and 2 Executive at-large positions (nominated and appointed by the King County Executive). All 15 positions are appointed by the King County Executive and confirmed by the King County Council. Members serve 3-year terms with a 2-term limit.

If you would like further information on the King County Women's Advisory Board, please contact Marjan Didra, Staff Liaison for the WAB. Marjan may be reached via email at

If you are interested in serving as a Council District representative, please contact your King County Councilmember. To find out what Council district you live in or to see the district map visit this page.

Council District 1; contact Councilmember Rod Dembowski's Office at 206-477-1001.

Council District 6; contact Councilmember Claudia Balducci's office at 206-477-1006.

Council District 7; contact Councilmember Pete von Reichbauer’s office at 206-477-1007.

Council District 8; contact Councilmember Teresa Mosqueda's office at 206-477-1008.

Council District 9; contact Councilmember Dunn’s office at 206-477-1009.

Learn more about the King County Women's Advisory Board at Women's Advisory Board
