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Rider tools

Tools for trip planning


Use our Trip Planner to find transit directions to your destinations. See route schedules, stops, maps and alerts.

Open Trip Planner in a new window


Use Next Departures to locate transit options near you right now.

Open Next Departures in a new window


Text your stop ID to 62550 to receive the next departure times of transit at your stop.

More information

For trip planning assistance, call Metro customer service at 206-553-3000, Monday through Friday, 6 am to 6 pm.

If you need an interpreter, we can still help! Press 1 to be connected to someone who speaks your language. Hearing-impaired riders can dial WA Relay at 711.

How to ride

This guide shows you how to use transit, step by step. Also watch our instructional video for tips on how to ride the bus.

Metro winter guide

This guide provides information to help you better use Metro services during snow.

Parking locations

Find the nearest park-and-ride, transit center or parking lot for your next trip.

Mobile and web apps

Access or download our latest rider apps to help you plan from your phone, tablet or computer.

Bikes and transit

Bring your bike on transit or park it at a transit hub to get just about anywhere in King County and beyond.

Getting to local sports

Taking Metro is a great option! Many sports venues are conveniently located near transit stops, making it easy to get there without the hassle of traffic and parking.


On your way to school or heading home after? There's no need to go it alone! Metro SchoolPool connects students and families looking to travel together.
