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Request an Accommodation

The Americans with Disabilities Act, Title II (28 CFR 35.130), states, No qualified individual with a disability shall, on the basis of disability, be excluded from participation in or be denied the benefits of the services, programs, or activities of a public entity, or be subjected to discrimination by any public entity. At King County Parks and Recreation (Parks), we are committed to complying with the requirements of Title II of the ADA in all of its programs, services, benefits and activities.

Parks provides reasonable accommodations, by request, for physical access, communications, or other needs to ensure its services, activities, and programs are available to individuals with disabilities. Please complete the following form regarding your accommodation request. Describe the accommodation you are requesting below, when it is needed, and how it will assist you in your use of Parks activities, programs, or services. Please attach additional sheets, diagrams, and photographs as necessary to communicate your request and/or needs. Alternative formats are available as needed — please specify the format you prefer.

Reasonable modification request form

To request a modification, please fill out this form:

Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Transition Plan

Parks is currently working on an ADA Self Evaluation and Transition Plan which updates the Accessibility Study completed in 1999.The update plan will identify and guide what future funding and investments are needed to bring our older facilities into compliance with current regulations. The updated plan, when completed, will guide our efforts to make our parks, trails, and other services and spaces accessible to all.

The ADA Self Evaluation and Transition Plan is being developed with input from community members, an assessment of existing facilities, and analyses of county policies, practices, and finances. The plan will describe how park facilities and services were evaluated and prioritized, its estimated cost at the time of the evaluation and planning to improve each type of facility and/or service, and a timeline for improvements. The plan will address facilities owned and maintained by Parks and does not include spaces and facilities outside of Parks jurisdiction.

View the ADA Transition Plan interim report (PDF, 94KB).
