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Employee Suggestion Program

The Employee Suggestion Program (ESP) provides employees an opportunity to submit and be recognized for innovative and creative ideas for improving King County’s ability to serve the public.

To submit a suggestion:

  • Read the eligibility requirements and complete the form below.
  • Alternately, hard copies are available for employees without computers: download in Word.
  • Send completed forms to Executive Constantine via inter-office mail C/O Mauricio Martinez at CNK-EX-800. Using the structure of the ESP form, you may also phone in suggestions to 206-263-9630.

Eligibility requirements 

Suggestions that meet the following criteria are eligible:

  • Propose cost-effective, practical improvements to King County operations.
  • Be specific regarding the improvement expected or how efficiencies can be achieved.
  • Must be submitted:
    • By an individual employee;
    • By a group of employees submitting the suggestion together and using the same form. The names of all employees submitting the suggestion should be to attached the form; 
    • Anonymously.

A suggestion may not be eligible for consideration if any of the following apply:

  • Are within the employee’s individual authority or responsibility to implement;
  • Concern matters already under consideration;
  • Concern personal grievances, personnel issues, or whistleblower complaints;
  • Concern existing policies or procedures that an employee believes are not being followed or that are not being applied properly.

Policies and procedures exist to address these situations; utilize them to ensure proper handling of the items listed as not eligible. Please work with your management team and/or the Human Resources Division as appropriate to address these situations.

About the program

  • All suggestions, including anonymous ones, are subject to public disclosure. 
  • Employees are protected against retaliation for submitting suggestions in that no adverse employment action may be taken against an employee because he/she has exercised his/her rights protected under the law by submitting a suggestion in good faith.
  • Be aware suggestions may be published on the intranet without personal information being identified.
  • Decisions made regarding ESP submissions are final. However, if new or additional information is presented, a decision may be reviewed.
  • The Executive retains the right to change or terminate the ESP at any time.


Contact Mauricio Martinez in the Executive Office, or view this outline covering what happens to your suggestion [PDF].

Suggestion form

* For King County employees only

First name:
Last name:
Job title:
Email address:
If you are a represented employee, list your labor organization and local. Please include the name of your union representative, if known.
My suggestion:

Will save money through efficiencies
Will increase revenue
Will bring cost-effective improvements to County operations
Will improve safety
Will significantly improve customer service
Is in line with the King County Strategic Plan
Other, please explain below

Would you would prefer your suggestion remain anonymous?

Yes, keep my suggestions anonymous.
(Your suggestion is still subject to public disclosure)

As noted in the Eligibility Requirements, a suggestion may not be eligible for consideration if any of the following apply, please check all that apply.
This suggestion is within your authority or responsibility to achieve or change.
You can make this change without the approval of higher level management.
As far as you know, this suggestion is already being considered.
This suggestion relates to a personal grievance, personnel issues or whistle blower complaint.
This suggestion relates to an existing policy that is not being applied properly.
You have submitted this suggestion before, within the past year. If so, provide the date and suggestion number:

1. Describe the present situation, condition, method, or procedure to be improved. Please be specific. What processes and products or services are affected?
2. What is your suggestion? Be specific – describe the proposed improvement and indicate how and where it can be made or implemented. What teams or organizations need to be involved to implement the improvement?
3. How will your suggestion save money, make operations more efficient or effective, increase revenue, improve safety or conditions, improve customer service, or support the Countywide Strategic Plan?
4. What obstacles to implementation of your suggestion do you perceive exist? (Examples: change to county culture; initial capital investment; level of complexity; level of effort)
5. If you think your suggestion will save money or result in increased revenues, please describe. This is not a request for detailed calculations or analysis, but an opportunity for you to present whatever thoughts or information (which may include things you’ve heard or read) you have regarding possible financial impacts of your suggestion.
6. Would your suggestion lead to a one-time savings? Alternatively, would the savings/increased revenue be ongoing?

By submitting this form, I certify that I am employed by King County. I have read the eligibility requirements and information as stated on this form, and I agree that King County shall have the right to make full use of my suggestion.
