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Habitat Restoration Unit

The Habitat Restoration Unit (HRU) designs, permits, builds and monitors ecological restoration projects in King County to promote salmon recovery.

Who we are

The Habitat Restoration Unit (HRU) designs, builds and monitors habitat restoration projects in King County’ to promote salmon recovery. HRU has a staff of ecologists, engineers, geologists and project managers with lots of experience in everything needed for habitat restoration work.

What we do

HRU specializes in process-based restoration and has implemented dozens of projects in King County for more than 25 years. Projects completed by HRU include large-scale levee setbacks on the Snoqualmie, Green and Cedar rivers, riparian plantings across King County, wetland restoration and creation, instream habitat improvements using woody debris and channel modifications, and marine shoreline restoration. HRU manages restoration projects from project identification and definition through design, permitting, contractor procurement, construction supervision and post-project monitoring.

A focus on sound and efficient project management, process-based design and dedication to the recovery of ecosystems and their native fish and wildlife species, including imperiled salmon populations, ensure that HRU projects make the most of the limited resources.

Habitat Restoration Unit programs

Projects in progress

Completed projects

Funding and partnerships

Restoration projects managed and designed by ERES are funded by:

For more information about the Ecological Restoration and Engineering Services Unit, please contact Jeff Robinson, Capital Project Manager.
