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King County Comprehensive Plan: Year 2011 docket summary

King County received eight items on the docket that closed on June 30, 2011. Following is a summary of the major issues raised by these docket requests:

  • Expansion of the Urban Growth Area (UGA) is proposed adjacent to Covington and Redmond;
  • Expansion of the UGA is proposed adjacent to Covington and Redmond;
  • Expansion of the proposed Fall City Business District to include two additional parcels;
  • Expansion of the Fall City Rural Town boundary to include two parcels that are designated Rural Area;
  • A proposal by the City of Snoqualmie to remove land from their Potential Annexation Area and the UGA that has been incorporated into the public review draft of the 2012 update of the King County Comprehensive Plan; and
  • A proposal to modify the permitted uses within a Rural Town. This proposal is addressed by the Fall City Subarea Plan.

Organization of report

The King County Code requires a docket report to include an alphabetical list of the docketed items and a chart of the docketed items including a brief summary of the request, the 2011 Council District where the property is located, and the corresponding Executive recommendation. A copy of the Executive response letter is also attached as part of this report.

2011 Docket alphabetical index

Last Name First Name Council District Docket #
Anderson Barry 9 1
Brown Lawrence 3 2
Chan Venlin Joseph 3 3
Haupt Randall 9 4
Moffett Bill 3 5
Schiller Dawn 3 6
Thompson Darrell 3 7
Tucker Nancy 3 8

2011 Docket Summary

Docket # Docket Item Council District Recommendation
1 Barry Anderson 9

A proposal to expand the Urban Growth Area boundary near the City of Covington. This property is adjacent to a significant stream. There has been no evidence submitted by the City of Covington that there is a shortage of land or development capacity to accommodate adopted growth targets.

Do not support.

2 Lawrence Brown 3

A proposal to expand the boundary for the downtown business district of Fall City to include two additional parcels; these parcels would then be rezoned from R-4 to commercial. The draft update of the Fall City Subarea plan emphasizes ways to make the existing downtown more economically viable. The only expansion of the existing commercially-zoned business district proposed in the draft subarea plan addresses two existing businesses, as well as potentially zoned properties already identified for future commercial expansion by the existing subarea plan. No need has been identified for further commercial expansion.

Do not support.

3 Venlin Joseph Chan 3

A proposal to include all properties in the Sammish Valley on either side of 140th Place NE, except agricultural-zoned land, within the UGA. A second proposal is to designate 140th Place NE as an urban connector. Conversion of rural land east of the Sammish Valley Agricultural Production District (APD) to urban would bring additional pressure to bear on the APD for higher levels of development instead of farming. Urban levels of development on land intended to be a rural buffer for the APD would also likely result in adverse impacts to farming. The proposal to designate 150th Place NE as a urban connector is indicative of the higher levels of public services that would be required if this rural land was converted to urban.

Do not support.

4 Randall Haupt 9

A proposal to redesignate two parcels from rural to urban and to add those parcels to the UGA. These parcels are adjacent on two sides to the Potential Annexation Area (PAA) of the City of Renton. Renton has expressed no interest in expanding their PAA and no evidence has been submitted that Renton lacks the development capacity to accommodate their adopted growth targets.

Do not support.

5 Bill Moffet 3

A proposal to add four parcels to the UGA. These parcels are located adjacent to the east margin of the City of Redmond, on the west side of 196th Ave NE. Redmond has expressed no interest in expanding their PAA and no evidence has been submitted that Redmond lacks the development capacity to accommodate their adopted growth targets.

Do not support.

6 Dawn Schiller 3

A proposal to modify development regulations that affects her property located within Fall City. The proposed update of the Fall City Subarea Plan addresses the property owner's concerns by including her property within the designated downtown Fall City Business District and by proposing that her property be zoned commercial. This commercial zoning, along with the proposed Special District Overlay for downtown Fall City, will resolve her concerns about development regulations.

Support the Fall City Subarea Plan update, which addresses this issue.

7 Darrell Tompson 3

A proposal to add two parcels designated Rural Area to the Fall City Rural Town. The result of the proposal would be that the subject properties would be rezoned from RA-5, Rural Area, and one home per five acres to R-4, Urban, and four homes per acre. These parcels are located across 234th Ave SE from the exiting Rural Town. All adjacent properties are designated Rural and zoned RA-5.

Do not support.

8 Nancy Tucker 3

A proposal to remove two parcels from the UGA and the PAA of the City of Snoqualmie. These parcels are the site of a long-term mining operation which the City of Snoqualmie believes is not an appropriate land use to be within their boundaries. The 2012 update of the King county Comprehensive Plan will include an area zoning study that will address this issue.

Concur with the City of Snoqualmie and support the area zoning study.
