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King County's Lock It Up program mission is to promote safety in our communities by increasing safe firearm storage.

Here you will find information on:

  • Why it's important to store firearms safely
  • Safe storage device options
  • How to practice safe storage at home
  • How to encourage others to store firearms safely

Did you know...

  • About one in 5 adults in King County say a firearm is kept in or around their home?
    • * About a third of firearm owners   with kids and half of firearm owners without kids don't store their firearms locked up?
  • In 2020, 177 King County residents died of firearm injuries, and in 2019 169 people were hospitalized with injuries from being shot?
  • 857 incidents of stolen firearms were reported to King County law enforcement agencies in 2020?
    • 38% of those reported thefts were from motor vehicles?
  • 75% of firearms used in suicides of children were stored unlocked?

Storing guns locked up when they're not on you is the best way to prevent curious kids from getting hurt with firearms, youth and adults in crisis from using a family firearm for suicide, and firearms from being stolen and misused by others.

Spread the message. Display Lock It Up posters and brochures.
Firearm Locking Devices brochure (1.3 Mb)

Screenshot of the LOCK IT UP brochure
