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Placing an AED in your workplace or home has the potential to save lives. There are several AEDs on the market that will meet the needs of your organization or company. AEDs do not have to be expensive to be effective. When purchasing an AED, it is most important to select a device that will make it easy for employees, customers, and bystanders to use. Most AED models require a prescription, which can be obtained through King County EMS, free of charge by completing this form, or by contacting a licensed physician or osteopath of your choice.

Washington state law also requires that a licensed physician provide medical direction to a person or entity for the use of the device. The Medical Director will provide medically approved protocol to assist you in developing an AED program appropriate for your home or business.

  • Medical Direction will be provided by the Medical Director of the Seattle Fire Department or King County Emergency Medical Services or;
  • You may obtain medical direction from a physician of your choice.

If you request a prescription from King County EMS for the purchase of your device, Medical Direction for its use will also be provided at that time.

Complete a form to request a prescription for purchasing a new AED:

If you require a prescription or medical direction for multiple devices, contact the CPR/PAD Program Manager at (206) 477-8664 or

Your request will be forwarded to the appropriate Medical Director and will be mailed to you within two weeks.
