The King County Access to Baby and Child Dentistry program (ABCD) focuses on preventive and restorative dental care for Medicaid-eligible children, with an emphasis on "First Tooth, First Birthday, First Dental Exam" by a dentist or a doctor, as recommended by the Academy of Pediatric Dentistry. Dentists have been specifically trained and certified on caring for young kids, preventing tooth decay early and educating parents about how to take good care of their children's teeth.
Program eligibility
- Do you have any children 5 years old or younger?
- Are they enrolled in Medicaid or do they have medical coupons / ProviderOne service card?
If you answered yes to all of the above questions then your child is eligible for the program and ABCD staff will make every effort to find the right dentist for you.
Program benefits
- Increased access to dental care throughout King County
- Increased number of dental services (i.e. 3 fluoride varnish applications per year, 2 Family Oral Hygiene Instruction consultations per year, etc.)
- Assistance in finding a dentist that will fit you location, timing, and language preferences
- Assistance in coordinating transportation to and from the dental office
- Assistance in coordinating interpreter services for the dental visit
Program flyers in multiple languages
- Want to keep your child cavity-free?(758 Kb)
- 想要防止孩子的蛀牙嗎?(Chinese-Simplified / 简体字) (383 Kb)
- Gusto ba ninyong maiwasang masira ang ngipin ng inyong mga anak? (Filipino / Wikang Tagalog) (91 Kb)
- Хотите сохранить зубы Вашего ребенка здоровыми? (Russian / Русский) (123 Kb)
- Madoonaaysaa inaad ubadkaaga ka ilaaliso suuska? (Somali / af Soomaali) (117 Kb)
- ¿Quiere mantener a sus niños libres de caries? (Spanish / Español) (191 Kb)
- Muốn giữ cho con em của bạn không sâu răng? (Vietnamese / Tiếng Việt) (117 Kb)
Dental providers in King County (parts of Pierce and Snohomish counties included)
- Pediatric dental providers for all of King County (913 KB)
Serving Apple Health (Medicaid/ProviderOne) - Dental resource list (667 KB)
Printable list of dental clinics in King County that include Public Health dental clinics, community health dental clinics, and dental clinics connected to colleges for adults and pregnant women living in King County. - Specialty dental resource list (oral surgeons) (578 KB)
- Adult Dental Coverage through Apple Health:
English (140 KB) | Spanish (184 KB) - Orthodontists (braces) providers in King County (849 KB)
Streaming videos and free DVDs
Access streaming videos about the Well Child Checkup and why baby teeth are important in multiple languages. Free DVDs are available to order.