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Program update

We are currently at maximum capacity and are not accepting new applications at this time. If you are interested in signing up, then email us at and we will add you to our waitlist.

Group of people working together to build a rain garden.


Our RainScapes Program is currently able to partner with property owners that meet the following criteria:

  • You own a residence (single or multi-family) or business that is in unincorporated King County.
  • Your property is well suited for one of the below GSI features. This will be determined during your free site inspection, based on your wants and needs and what your property is able to support.
    • Rain garden
    • Cistern
    • Tree planting
    • Replacing hard pavement with water-friendly alternatives
  • You agree to maintain the GSI feature on your property after the first year. The first year of maintenance will be fully paid for by King County.

Get started

If it sounds like your property fits the above description, the next step is to set up a free consultation with us to learn more about the program and discuss your needs. We're looking forward to hearing from you!

Learn how to sign up

Not eligible?

While the RainScapes Program is only able to partner with property owners in unincorporated King County, there are many other programs that provide similar financial and technical assistance.

  • RainWise offers rebates for private property owners in certain CSO basins within Seattle. Find out more about that program and check your eligibility on their website.
  • Green Stormwater Infrastructure Mini Grants provide up to $1,500 for landowners within the King County Wastewater Treatment Division (WTD) service area that are not eligible for other incentive programs. Up to $4,500 may be provided to income-limited landowners.
  • Outside the King County area? Check in with your city's water quality team to see if they offer an incentive, or explore other options in the Puget Sound region.