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Project description

The Seola Pond Regional Detention facility will be converted into a combination detention pond/wetpool. The facility will be enlarged and retrofitted with a permanent wetpool for water quality treatment. This will reduce the amount of pollutant transport to Seola Creek and ultimately, Puget Sound. The hydraulics of the Seola facility will be improved to foster healthy wetland plantings and consequently improve water quality. This project will also retrofit a roadside ditch upstream of the pond to employ bio-filtration to remove pollutants.

Flood protection will be increased by excavating additional live stormwater storage within the facility and installing an additional emergency pond overflow pipe.

Seola detention facility with water over road by a green gate.

Seola Retention/Detention facility

Seola Creek project aerial map.

Seola Creek Retrofit Plan and Aerial

Project timeline

Benchmark Targeted Completion Date
Community Outreach Ongoing
Complete Feasibility and Alternative Analysis 1st Quarter 2014
Preliminary Design 2nd Quarter 2014
Public Meeting 2nd Quarter 2014
Complete Final Design 4th Quarter 2014
Receive Permits 4th Quarter 2014
Invitation to Bid 1st Quarter 2015
Construction 2nd Quarter 2015

Lead agency

This project is being designed and managed by the King County Department of Natural Resources and Parks, Water and Land Resources Division, Capital Services Unit. Our primary goal is to implement Surface Water Management Capital Improvement Program (CIP) projects by planning, designing, constructing and managing multidisciplinary teams and stakeholders.

What is next?

We are committed to working closely with project area neighbors. Please contact Wendy Kara, the project manager, for more information about this project. 

Drainage problem?

For drainage problems in unincorporated King County, report drainage problems online or call 206-477-4811. For drainage problems within the City of Seattle, report problems on the Seattle Public Utilities home page or call 206-386-1800.
