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Do not report in-person until told

Please do not come to the courthouse in person until provided a location, date, and time by the court's bailiff. You may be contacted by email, phone, text, or USPS mail.

We encourage you to join a remote jury selection process using your phone, tablet, or computer if you can. If you are unable to take part in remote jury selection, contact the Bailiff for the Courtroom you are assigned, or the Jury Services department and we will provide a socially distanced in-person alternative

What you need to participate

Personal email address

The court bailiff will email you information about the day and what time to connect to the video proceeding. It is important to check your email regularly to stay informed. If you do not have an email address uou can get one for free using sites like Google, Yahoo, or Apple iCloud.

Internet access

You need to have reliable stable access to high speed or broadband internet to participate in jury selection by video. Find drive-in internet access locations if you do not have connections at home.

A device with a video camera

You must use a cell phone, tablet, or a working computer with a functioning webcam or video capable camera. You are required to have your video on during the selection process.

Check that your equipment works

The jury selection process involves asking the juror panel questions and hearing responses. The speakers on your tablet and computer must be functional.

A quiet location without distractions

The jury selection process will likely last less than an hour. It is very important to give your full attention to your video monitor and the conversation.

  • Find a location away from or plan to minimize distractions by silencing phones, email and text notifications
  • Turn off fans, dishwashers, washer or dryer, or any other noise distractions
  • If you can, plan to have help with children or other caregiving responsibilities
  • Put away any pets who may distract you

Remote jury selection

  • Before the time and date of jury selection

    This is the perfect time to make sure your equipment works and you know where to access a stable broadband Internet connection. Head over to our Video Hearing Resources webpage for tutorials.

    Check your email regularly

    The Court's bailiff will send you instructions on how to join the virtual proceeding including

    • A link to the Zoom meeting
    • A phone number
    • The meeting ID
    • A password that you will need to join

    Do not share this information with anyone. 

  • On the day: get ready

    • Find a quiet place where no one will interrupt you and you have access to a stable Internet connection
    • Pull up the email the bailiff sent you with meeting information.
  • On the day: join the meeting

    • Join the meeting by finding the email and clicking on the link.
    • Enter the requested information (name, meeting ID and/or password)
    • You will be entered directly into the "waiting room" or will wait for the host to start the meeting.  Please do not hang up. 
    • Upon entering the waiting room, enter your name as directed by the bailiff
  • During the meeting

    After the host lets you in the meeting, turn on your video and make sure the lighting makes it easy for others to see you.

    • Adjust your speaker volume as needed.
    • Depending on the device you are using, you may see 10 or more people on your screen.
    • The person talking is identifiable by a yellow outline around their box or when their video image becomes the main focus on the screen.
    • The judge will make sure you can hear and talk, and will go over all the rules.

    If you have internet, audio, or video issues during the jury selection process that disrupts the process, you will be excused and provided with a date and time to appear in-person.
