Online Superior Court jury trial
Pretrial video
This video covers:
- General purpose of the pre-trial conference
- What topics are generally covered during a pre-trial conference
- Pre-Trial conference topics in preparation for virtual jury trial
- How to upload exhibits into Clerk's ShareFile system
- Other Pre-Trial considerations for trial courts and counsel
Jury Selection video
This video covers:
- General sequence and timing
- Help preparing the prospective jurors electronic questionnaire
- How the court will screen prospective jurors for health concerns
- How the court will provide parties questionnaire responses
- How the court will handle live questioning
- How the court will handle challenges and other matters outside the presence of other jurors
Lawyer Considerations video
This video covers:
- Patience and Preparation
- Witness Issues
- Audio Issues
- Proxemics, Focus, & Tone
- Exhibit Handling
- Impeachment / Refreshment