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Trial preparation

Please observe the following protocols when preparing for trial. Please note, this information is not intended to provide legal advice. Consult the Civil and Local Rules area for more information.

Civil calendar trials

  • Status conferences, CR 16 conferences, and pre-trial conferences will be scheduled at the court’s discretion.
  • Pursuant to local rules, all trial memoranda, the joint statement of evidence, and other trial submissions are due no later than 5 court days prior to trial.
  • Please notify the court immediately if there are issues affecting your trial, such as interpreter needs, scheduling issues, or other special needs.


All counsel and parties must be prepared at the end of each day to disclose all witnesses that party is intending to call the following day in trial.


Please contact the courtroom clerk by email to obtain information on pre-numbering exhibits.

Counsel/parties shall deliver two sets of exhibits to the judge’s mailroom at least one week prior to the trial date. The first (original set) will be marked by the clerk and used at trial. The second set is a working copy for the Judge.

Jury instructions

Plaintiff shall submit a full set of proposed instructions. Defendant shall then submit only those instructions that supplement or alter the plaintiff’s instructions. The balance of the instructions will be considered agreed instructions, unless written objection is noted.

Please use the most recent versions of the Washington Pattern Jury Instructions.

Court transcripts

For courtrooms operating with a court reporter: If prior to the hearing or trial you know that you will want a copy of the transcript, please contact the bailiff and/or the court reporter. For digitally recorded courtrooms: If prior to the hearing or trial you know that you will want a copy of the CD, notify the bailiff or courtroom clerk, who will be able to provide the information needed at the end of the hearing. If at some time following the hearing or trial, you determine you need a copy of the CD, it may be obtained directly from the Clerk's Office copy center. You will need to submit a completed CD Request Form (245KB).


If the parties need extra equipment (TV/DVD/VCR), please contact the bailiff with equipment questions at least 5 days prior to the trial date.

Scheduling Civil Motions

Please observe the following protocols when scheduling civil motions. Please note, this information is not intended to provide legal advice. Consult the Civil and Local Rules area for more information.

Where to present your motion or agreed order

See King County Local Rules, including KCLR 26, 40, 40.1, and 56, to determine where to present your civil motion or agreed order. For those motions or agreed orders that are to be heard by the Ex Parte Department, refer to the Ex Parte and Probate Department Motions and Hearings Manual to determine how to present your motion.

Consult the King County Local Family Law Rules for information on where and how to present a family law motion.

Motions heard by assigned Judge without oral argument (KCLR 7)

  • Most non-dispositive motions and motions for default are heard without oral argument.
  • Motions without oral arguments may be set for any day pursuant to the rule and service requirements, and will be considered on or shortly after the date noted.
  • Do not contact the court to check the status of the ruling until one week past the date noted for the motion.
  • Follow the procedures set forth in KCLR 7 if requesting oral argument.
  • If the judge decides to hear oral argument, the bailiff will contact the parties to schedule a hearing.
  • If the judge does not grant the request for oral argument, the motion will be considered as noted.
  • Stipulated or agreed motions do not need to be noted for hearing.

Motions heard by assigned Judge with oral Argument (KCLR 7)

  • Contact the bailiff to schedule motions or hearings requiring oral argument. Please include the
    • Case name
    • Cause number
    • Type of hearing
    • Name of moving party
    • Proposed dates
    • Names and phone numbers for all counsel
  • Please check with all counsel when scheduling hearings.
  • Please note that time available for judicial hearings is limited, and judges’ calendars often fill up several weeks in advance. Hearing dates should be obtained from the bailiff as far in advance as possible.

Striking a motion set before the assigned judge

Please notify the bailiff to strike a motion set before the assigned judge. Always provide the case name and cause number and the date for which the motion is noted. 
