Noxious weed index
Top weeds in King County
Weeds by growth habit
Search for your weed by growth pattern and life cycle below. If you cannot find you weed, try a different category. Because plants don't fit neatly into one box, a plant may be in a different section than you initially looked.
Woody shrubs
Description: Woody perennial noxious weeds with multiple stems.
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Herbaceous plants
Description: Noxious weeds without woody tissues.
Top weeds
Description: Noxious weeds that tend to climb or creep along the ground and over other existing plants or infrastructure.
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Tree or treelike shrubs
Description: Woody perennial noxious weeds often with one main trunk or stem.
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See more tree or treelike shrubs
Description: Noxious weeds found in and around water.
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Grass and grass-like
Description: Noxious weeds with long, flat, & narrow green leaves that come to a point and florets (flowers or clusters).
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See more grass and grass-like plants