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Other genealogical records

King County Archives holds a number of records that aren't traditionally considered when conducting genealogical research. If your ancestor worked for King County government, was an elected official or filed for public office, or applied for any type of license or record in the county, we may have records documenting their activities.

To perform a search, you need to know when your ancestor may have been employed or conducted business with the county, and if possible, the office they worked with or for.

Please email or call (206) 263-2480 to view these records or to request remote assistance.


County Commissioners' proceedings name indexes (1853-1969)

Names of people having business of some kind with county government (for example, applying for a liquor license, suing for damages to a road, petitioning for property rezone, etc.)

Court and legal records

Jury lists (1880-1922)

Lists of people who were selected to serve on juries or who were paid for jury service. Generally, the lists are alphabetical and in addition to the name of each juror they often include the home address of each juror or the distance that they traveled to serve on a jury.

General civil index (1865-1906)

Name index of civil cases filed in Washington Territorial District Court and its successor, King County Superior Court. Entries include the name of the plaintiff, the name of the defendant, the judgment, the instrument number and the date of filing. Entries are indexed alphabetically by name of plaintiff. These are microfilm copies.

Specific professions

Attorney rolls (1850-1895)

Register of attorneys admitted to practice in Seattle from the 1850s to 1895.

Lists of bar applicants (1894-1895)

Applications of individuals desiring to practice law in King County. They are indexed alphabetically by last name.

Registers of health care professionals

  • Index of Licenses for Physicians, Optometrists, Chiropodists, and Midwives (1890-1980)
  • Medical Register (ca. 1892-1916)
  • Doctors Sworn In (1909-1913)
  • Dental Registers (ca. 1909-1970)

Elections and elected officials

Oaths of office (1913-1927)

These forms documented public officials that were elected or appointed in King County. The forms include the name, the position and the date of the oath. They are arranged by file number, which is semi-chronological.

List of filers for public office (1940-1979)
