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Fish and shellfish in King County

Learn how to identify salmon and trout that inhabit King County streams, as well as freshwater mollusks, and find out what King County does to protect and restore aquatic habitat to recover fish and shellfish populations and ensure they can thrive.
Chinook salmon fry by Roger Tabor, US Fish and Wildlife Service
Chinook salmon fry photo by Roger Tabor, USFWS

Salmon and trout

Salmon and trout identification

Learn how to distinguish fish species in King County streams from their shape, color and markings.

Where to view salmon

Check the Salmon Seeson interactive map of King County to see salmon runs in streams during the fall and winter.

Salmon conservation and recovery

Learn what King County and partner agencies are doing to protect and restore threatened salmon in King County's watersheds including Cedar River/Lake Washington, Snoqualmie/Skykomish, Green/Duwamish and White River watersheds.

Lake Sammamish kokanee recovery

Learn how King County is helping restore the health and vitality of Lake Sammamish kokanee populations that spawn in the creeks that flow into the lake.

Fish Passage Restoration Program

Learn how King County is working to open up miles of good spawning habitat to anadromous fish by removing barriers to migration.

Stream health is improving throughout King County

Learn how stream health is improving over the past few decades. View videos and maps and read the scientific findings.

The Restore and Protect Project

Identifying and recommending actions to restore and protect local streams in the Puget Sound basin.

Chemicals of emerging concern

Project to identify chemicals of emerging concern (CECs) such as PFAS and 6PPD-quinone and quantify their concentrations in salmon streams with critical spawning and rearing habitat.



Learn about unique mollusks found in the cleanest streams and rivers having cool, clear water.
