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Noxious weeds resources

One of the key objectives of the King County Noxious Weed Control Program is to provide resources and guidance for those who are managing noxious weeds. If you can't find what you need, email us a description of what you're looking for to and we'll try our best to help.

King County Weeds official blog

Blog posts written by King County Noxious Weed specialists. A wide variety of topics with seasonal advice, deep dives on your favorite weeds, news, and more.

Visit the King County Weeds blog

Weed publications

Find all of our available publications here. Ready to access online now, or available to be mailed as needed. We have fact sheets & brochures for dozens of weed species as well as more general publications and guides.

Knotweed injectors

Borrow a knotweed injector for free. This program is for King County residents struggling with invasive knotweed on their property. Learn more about knotweed control and how to borrow an injector here.

Education and outreach programs

Learn more about programs and opportunities that our team has to offer.

Regional contractors

Our program maintains a list of local contractors who provide weed control services, including: manual removal, herbicide treatments, arborists, drone pilots, aquatic specialists and other services. Please email our program if you would like your services to be added.

View the list of regional contractors


Local tool libraries

Don’t let tools be a barrier to your weed control.  Tool libraries directly prevent waste, conserve resources and save money by reducing unnecessary purchases. Instead of buying a tool or even kitchen equipment that you rarely use, you can borrow it. 

Find more information about King County tool libraries

King County noxious weed control regulatory guidelines

This resource provides guidelines on regulations that relate to noxious and invasive weed control in King County including the State Noxious Weed Law (RCW 17.10), regulations relating to clearing and grading and critical areas, and regulations that protect clean water as they relate to control of noxious weeds.

View the King County noxious weed control regulatory guidelines
