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Flood Control District Elects Reagan Dunn as its New Chair for 2023


Metropolitan King County
Council News

Flood Control District Elects Reagan Dunn as its New Chair for 2023


The King County Flood Control District (FCD) Board of Supervisors on Tuesday unanimously elected Reagan Dunn to serve as Chair for 2023.


The King County Flood Control District (FCD) Board of Supervisors on Tuesday unanimously elected Reagan Dunn to serve as Chair for 2023.

Members of the Metropolitan King County Council also serve as the Flood Control District's Board of Supervisors to oversee the District, which is a separate, special purpose government.

“I am excited to once again serve as Chair as the King County Flood Control District,” Dunn said. “As we’ve seen in recent years, flooding has the potential to cause devastating damage to so many homes, businesses, and other infrastructure. I look forward to working with my colleagues to deliver improved flood protection it in the year ahead.”

At the Board’s December 13 meeting, Supervisor Sarah Perry was also unanimously selected as Vice Chair.

“I am honored to have been unanimously selected to serve as Vice Chair for the King County Flood Control District Board of Supervisors! Our region is home to a number of powerful river systems that bring countless benefits to our natural and physical environments,” Perry said. “I look forward to continuing to support FCD's investments and all the work we can do to protect our region's farms, homes, overall economic vitality, and other critical infrastructure against the increasing risk of flooding. I look forward to doing my best in service to all residents of King County!”

Supervisors also appointed two new members to the Flood Control District Executive Committee, which is responsible for the day-to-day operation of the Flood District and develops policy recommendations for consideration by the full board. Supervisors Sarah Perry and Pete von Reichbauer will join Dunn and Upthegrove on the Executive Committee.

The King County Flood Control District was established in 2007 as a countywide special purpose district created to provide funding and policy oversight for flood protection projects and programs in King County. Property owners pay 10 cents per $1,000 assessed value to fund the District. The District is responsible for planning and funding maintenance and repairs of the flood control system. The Water and Land Resources Division of the King County Department of Natural Resources and Parks carries out the approved flood protection projects and programs under an interlocal agreement.

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