von Reichbauer welcomes Attorney General Ferguson for monthly Good Eggs breakfast
"Protecting the consumer is a top priority for the Attorney General’s office" L to R: Auburn City Councilmember Rich Wagner, Federal Way City Councilmember Susan Honda, Councilmember von Reichbauer, Washington State Attorney General Bob Ferguson, and Federal Way Mayor Jim Ferrell |
Washington State Attorney General Bob Ferguson reviewed the role of the Office of Attorney General, and discussed issues from the failure of ticket brokers to deliver purchased Super Bowl tickets to the impact of marijuana sales on local governments at the monthly “Good Eggs Breakfast” meeting in Auburn sponsored by Metropolitan King County Councilmember Pete von Reichbauer.
Ferguson answered questions concerning the role of local jurisdictions to opt-out of marijuana businesses, oil trains travelling through communities, public record requests, and the success of the Veterans Health and Services Levy.
“The Attorney General and the “Good Eggs” audience held a robust round-table discussion on topics that affect everyone in the state of Washington,” said von Reichbauer. “Keeping the dialogue open and listening to all parties helps strengthen South King county communities and protect Washington State consumers.”